SOAP API - getWorkItemOrderFilter

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getWorkItemOrderFilter.

Request Uses the getWorkItemOrderFilter element (from the WorkListService schema)
Parameter notes limitColumns—the number of fields about which information should be returned. A value of 0 gets information about all fields.
Response Returns a getWorkItemOrderFilterResponse element (from the WorkListService schema).
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">







<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <getWorkItemOrderFilterResponse xmlns="">

         <columnData capability="BOTH_ORDER_FILTER" description="The integer value that denotes the ID of the work item." id="1" name="id" type="COL_NUMERIC" xmlns=""/>

         <columnData capability="FILTER" description="The name of the work item." id="2" name="name" type="COL_STRING" xmlns=""/>

         <columnData capability="FILTER" description="The description of the work item." id="3" name="description" type="COL_STRING" xmlns=""/>


