
Opens a work item (to get the associated input and output data).

Note: Note that there is an openWorkItem operation in two services:
  • WorkItemManagementService (the one described here) - Use this one if the user task was designed to not open a form nor start a pageflow. This would typically be used only in special use-case client applications.
  • WorkPresentationService - Use this one if the user task was designed to either open a form or start a pageflow, which is typical for most client applications (see openWorkItem ).
  • The request must specify the work item that should be opened.
  • The response returns the work item body of the opened work item.
  • This operation can only be used if the work item is in a state from which it can be opened. See Work Item State Transitions.
  • This operation can only be used if the work item is assigned to the user with whose credentials the operation is being invoked.
Required System Action
Requires openOtherResourcesItems in order to open a work item currently allocated to another user—for example, when a manager is opening an item in a supervised work list (see Creating and Managing Supervised Work List Views for information on supervised work lists).

Otherwise, none.

API Descriptions