SOAP API - closeWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - closeWorkItem.

Request Uses the workRequest element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Parameter notes
  • channelId: ID of the channel to use. If it is omitted, the default channel for the specified channelType is used.
  • workItemID: ID of the work item to be closed.
  • version: (Optional). If it is omitted, the latest version is used.
  • payloadDetails: the complete body of the work item: data to be written to the work item as part of the Close action.

    If complexSpec business data is passed into this operation, see Valid Format for ComplexSpec Business Data for information about the valid format.

  • openNextPiled: This parameter is not applicable to openWorkItem , cancelWorkItem , or closeWorkItem . The boolean value specified is used only when calling completeWorkItem .
Response Returns a workResponse element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Example Request:

      <api:workRequest action="?">





         <workItem id="38" version="1">?</workItem>

         <workTypeDetail uid="WT__UZikcDjhEeCeRNBOZebDZA" version="" openNextPiled="true"/>

         <payloadDetails payloadMode="XML">


               <inputs array="false" name="UserName" type="String">









      <workResponse isSuccessful="true" xmlns=""/>
