SOAP API - getWorkListItemsForView

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getWorkListItemsForView.

Request Uses the getWorkListItemsForView element (from the WorkListService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workListViewID: The ID of the work list view from which to get the page of work items.
  • startPosition: the position in the work list from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
  • numberOfItems: the number of items from the work view to include.
  • getAllocatedItems (optional): Boolean value specifying the type of work items to be included in the specified work list view - allocated (true) or offered (false). Note that:
    • If set, this value overrides any default getAllocatedItems setting for the specified work list view.
    • You cannot use this parameter if the specified work list view uses either of the following values to define the work list to be returned: resourcesRequired = ALL, or an entityID of type RESOURCE.

      Note: You can use getWorkListViewDetails to find out the current getAllocatedItems, resourcesRequired, and entityID settings for the specified work list view.

Response Returns a getWorkListItemsForViewResponse element (from the WorkListService schema)
Example 1 Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">



      <api:getWorkListItemsForView workListViewID="2" startPosition="0" numberOfItems="9"/>


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <getWorkListItemsForViewResponse xmlns="">

         <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>

         <endPosition xmlns="">1</endPosition>

         <totalItems xmlns="">2</totalItems>

         <workItems xmlns="">

            <id id="5" version="0"/>

            <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="50" startDate="2012-08-20T08:40:20.460Z">


               <description>Display Message</description>











Example 2 Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">



      <api:getWorkListItemsForView workListViewID="${WorkViewProperties#BackOfficeID}" startPosition="0" numberOfItems="50" getTotalCount="true" getAllocatedItems="true"/>


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <getWorkListItemsForViewResponse xmlns="">

         <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>

         <endPosition xmlns="">1</endPosition>

         <totalItems xmlns="">2</totalItems>

         <workItems xmlns="">

            <id id="1" version="2"/>

            <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="30" startDate="2013-06-26T09:19:17.570Z">

               <name>Test Work List Views</name>

               <description>Test Work List Views</description>





                  <activityID>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityID>

                  <activityName>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityName>



                  <appID>Model ID</appID>






         <workItems xmlns="">

            <id id="2" version="1"/>

            <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="30" startDate="2013-06-26T09:19:18.513Z">

               <name>Test Work List Views</name>

               <description>Test Work List Views</description>





                  <activityID>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityID>

                  <activityName>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityName>



                  <appID>Model ID</appID>











         <workItems xmlns="">

            <id id="6" version="0"/>

            <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="50" startDate="2012-08-20T08:40:25.537Z">


               <description>Display Message</description>
















