SOAP API - unallocateWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - unallocateWorkItem.

Request Uses the unallocateWorkItem element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workItemID: ID of the work item to be unallocated.
  • version: (Optional) If it is omitted, the latest version is used.
Response Returns an unallocateWorkItemResponse element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">




         <workItemID id="22" version="1"/>



<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <unallocateWorkItemResponse xmlns="">

         <workItem xmlns="">

            <id id="22" version="2"/>

            <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="50">



















