SOAP API - navigateCaseByCriteria

The table summarizes the SOAP API - navigateCaseByCriteria.

Request Uses the NavigateCaseByCriteriaRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • sourceCaseReference. The case reference of the case data you want to navigate from. For example, BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-1. You must only specify one source case reference.
  • targetRoleName. The name of the association that was specified when the association was created using linkCase . For example, cars.
  • queryString. This contains the specified criteria that the case data must match. For valid syntax, see TIBCO Business Data Services Guide.
  • namedParameterAssignment (optional). You can assign a name to a condition when defining your dataview. This allows you to specify different values when using getCaseReferencesForDataView to search case data.
    • name. The name of the parameter.
    • value. The value of the parameter.
  • paginationOptions. Specifies the pagination options.
    • startPosition (optional). The position in the list of case references from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
    • maxResults (optional). The number of items to include.
Response Returns a NavigateCaseByCriteriaResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Example Request:






<queryString>engine.model = :engineModel or model =
















<NavigateCaseByCriteriaResponse xmlns="">





<hasMoreResults xmlns="">false</hasMoreResults>

