
This operation returns a list of the work item fields that are defined by BRM as suitable to be used in expressions for sorting and filtering work items within work lists.

See Sort Filter Criteria for suitable fields.

The request element (getWorktemOrderFilter) contains only:

  • limitColumns—the number of suitable fields about which information should be returned. Fields are returned in order of their ID, so if you enter a limitColumns value of 5, the response will include details of fields with id from 1 to 5. The table in Sort Filter Criteria gives the IDs of the fields. Set limitColumns to 0 to get information about all fields.

The capability value in the response returned (getWorkItemOrderFilterResponse) includes whether each of the listed fields is suitable for sorting, for filtering, or for both. In the following example extract from a response, the id field (listed first because its own ID is 1) is suitable for both sort and filter expressions. The name field, however, can only be used in filter expressions.

 <columnData capability="BOTH_ORDER_FILTER" description="The integer value that denotes the ID of the work item." id="1" name="id" type="COL_NUMERIC" xmlns=""/>

 <columnData capability="FILTER" description="The name of the work item." id="2" name="name" type="COL_STRING" xmlns=""/>

See Sort Filter Criteria for information on which types of field are defined as suitable for sort and filter expressions.

For API reference information, see getWorkItemOrderFilter.