SOAP API - saveUserSettingsRequest

The table summarizes the SOAP API - saveUserSettingsRequest.

Request Uses the saveUserSettingsRequest element (from the UserSettingsService schema)
Parameter notes
  • storageKey: Any arbitrary value. Can also be a resource identifier if storage is resource-specific. But it can be any value identifying the data the application needs to persist on the server.
  • settingId: Any arbitrary value (with one exception—see below). Identifies the specific setting stored that relates to the value passed in storageKey. For each storageKey, there can be many settingIds. Note that the TIBCO Workspace application reserves settingIds that begin with "workspace".
  • settingProperties.Name: Identifies the value stored.
  • settingProperties.Value: The value being stored on the server for later retrieval.
Response Returns a saveUserSettingsResponse element (from the UserSettingsService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:user="">




         <settings storageKey="configStore" settingId="viewSettings">

           <settingProperties Name="listSize" Value="20" xmlns=""/>

           <settingProperties Name="caption" Value="Description" xmlns=""/>

           <settingProperties Name="winSize" Value="600,400" xmlns=""/>

           <settingProperties Name="layout" Value="tabbed" xmlns=""/>




<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <saveUserSettingsResponse xmlns="">

         <empty xmlns="">0</empty>


