complexType XmlLdapContainerResource
diagram de_exporter_diagrams/de_exporter_p104.png
type extension of XmlLdapSource
base XmlLdapSource
used by
element XmlLdapContainer/primary-ldap
complexType XmlSecondaryLdapContainerResource
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:long  required      
Unique ID of the LDAP source.
guid  xs:string  optional      
Unique GUID of the LDAP source.
ldap-alias  xs:string  required      
Alias of the LDAP directory that is referenced by this LDAP source. The alias is a previously configured shared resource that identifies this LDAP source.
display-name-attributes  xs:string  optional      
(Optional) LDAP attributes that can be used to generate a default display name for any resource located within this LDAP source.
ldap-search-string  xs:string  optional      
(Optional) LDAP query expression that can be used to restrict the data that is returned from this LDAP source.
base-dn  xs:string  optional      
Optionally provides an additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative, and in additon, to any base DN specified in the URL of the LDAP Connection shared resource identified by the ldap-alias.
Definition of an LDAP shared resource entry (identified by its GUID) in an LDAP container.

The "id" attribute is used to link this element to the "ldap-resource-id" attribute of the XmlLdapAttributeContainerMapping entries in the XmlLdapContainer in which this element is located. (A value should always be assigned to the "id" attribute.)
source <xs:complexType name="XmlLdapContainerResource">
<xs:documentation>Definition of an LDAP shared resource entry (identified by its GUID) in an LDAP container.

The "id" attribute is used to link this element to the "ldap-resource-id" attribute of the XmlLdapAttributeContainerMapping entries in the XmlLdapContainer in which this element is located. (A value should always be assigned to the "id" attribute.)
<xs:extension base="XmlLdapSource">
<xs:attribute name="ldap-search-string" type="xs:string" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>(Optional) LDAP query expression that can be used to restrict the data that is returned from this LDAP source.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="base-dn" type="xs:string" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Optionally provides an additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative, and in additon, to any base DN specified in the URL of the LDAP Connection shared resource identified by the ldap-alias.</xs:documentation>

attribute XmlLdapContainerResource/@ldap-search-string
type xs:string
use optional
(Optional) LDAP query expression that can be used to restrict the data that is returned from this LDAP source.
source <xs:attribute name="ldap-search-string" type="xs:string" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>(Optional) LDAP query expression that can be used to restrict the data that is returned from this LDAP source.</xs:documentation>

attribute XmlLdapContainerResource/@base-dn
type xs:string
use optional
Optionally provides an additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative, and in additon, to any base DN specified in the URL of the LDAP Connection shared resource identified by the ldap-alias.
source <xs:attribute name="base-dn" type="xs:string" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Optionally provides an additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative, and in additon, to any base DN specified in the URL of the LDAP Connection shared resource identified by the ldap-alias.</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor