element getLDAPContainerDetail
diagram de_wsdl_diagrams/de_wsdl_p87.png
namespace http://container.api.de.n2.tibco.com
content complex
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
container-id  xs:long        
Unique ID of the LDAP container for which details should be listed.
Request element for getLDAPContainerDetail operation. This service returns the configuration
            detail of the LDAP Container identified by its container-id.
            The response will include the full details of the LDAP Container, including the LDAP Sources and Resource
            Attribute mappings.
source <xs:element name="getLDAPContainerDetail">
<xs:documentation>Request element for getLDAPContainerDetail operation. This service returns the configuration
            detail of the LDAP Container identified by its container-id.
            The response will include the full details of the LDAP Container, including the LDAP Sources and Resource
            Attribute mappings.
<xs:attribute name="container-id" type="xs:long">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID of the LDAP container for which details should be listed.</xs:documentation>

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