element listLDAPAttributeNames
diagram de_wsdl_diagrams/de_wsdl_p115.png
namespace http://ldapservice.api.de.n2.tibco.com
content complex
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
alias  xs:string  required      
LDAP alias of the LDAP source from which attribute data should be returned.
filter  xs:string  required      
LDAP filter expression that can be (optionally) used to limit the LDAP entries for which data should be returned.

For example, this could be a simple expression such as "uid=*" to return data only for all LDAP entries that have a valid UID attribute.
sample-data-number  xs:int    0    
The number of random example entities to be returned.
base-dn  xs:string  optional      
Additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative and in addition to the base DN specified when creating the LDAP alias.
Request element for listLDAPAttributeNames operation.

This operation lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries identified by a search of the LDAP connection shared resource. The LDAP connection is identified by its alias, and the search is limited to the LDAP Query given in the filter.

A base-dn also limits the search to the LDAP entries that lie within that branch of the LDAP directory.

A sample of the values held by the resulting named attributes can be requested by specifying a sample-data-number. This value specifies the number of sample values to be returned for each named attribute.

The response also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search.
source <xs:element name="listLDAPAttributeNames">
<xs:documentation>Request element for listLDAPAttributeNames operation.

This operation lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries identified by a search of the LDAP connection shared resource. The LDAP connection is identified by its alias, and the search is limited to the LDAP Query given in the filter.

A base-dn also limits the search to the LDAP entries that lie within that branch of the LDAP directory.

A sample of the values held by the resulting named attributes can be requested by specifying a sample-data-number. This value specifies the number of sample values to be returned for each named attribute.

The response also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search.
<xs:attribute name="alias" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation>LDAP alias of the LDAP source from which attribute data should be returned.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="filter" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation>LDAP filter expression that can be (optionally) used to limit the LDAP entries for which data should be returned.

For example, this could be a simple expression such as "uid=*" to return data only for all LDAP entries that have a valid UID attribute.
<xs:attribute name="sample-data-number" type="xs:int" default="0">
<xs:documentation>The number of random example entities to be returned.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="base-dn" type="xs:string" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative and in addition to the base DN specified when creating the LDAP alias.</xs:documentation>

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