Using TEA Shell Commands

TEA shell commands can be used to create, monitor, and manage runtime entities.

TEA shell commands are aligned with bwadmin commands.

The steps in this section show you some simple TEA shell commands for creating a domain, AppSpace, and AppNode and starting the AppSpace. For a complete list of all supported commands, see TEA Shell Commands.

At any time in the TEA shell, press the tab key for a list of supported commands available for the context. To get help on a command, type the command with the --help option, for example: create --help


  1. Connect to the TEA shell through a terminal program, for example Putty. Connect using the following command:
    ssh -p 2222 admin@localhost

    The user name and password are both: admin

    On successful connection, the TEA Shell banner is displayed, illustrated below:

  2. Change to the BusinessWorks context by typing: admin@M1:/> cd Businessworks
  3. Create a domain:
    admin@M1:/BusinessWorks> create domain TEA-D1
    Executed the command 'create' successfully.
  4. Create an AppSpace in the domain:
    admin@M1:/BusinessWorks> create -domain TEA-D1 appspace TEA-AS1
    Executed the command 'create' successfully.
  5. Create an AppNode in the AppSpace:
    admin@M1:/BusinessWorks> create -domain TEA-D1 -appspace TEA-AS1 appnode TEA-AN1 -httpPort 8077
    Executed the command 'create' successfully.
  6. Start the AppSpace. This starts the AppNode in the AppSpace.
    admin@M1:/BusinessWorks> start -domain TEA-D1 appspace TEA-AS1
    Executed the command 'start' successfully.