Restoring the File System of an AppSpace

Restoring an AppSpace restores the file system of the specified AppSpace and all runtime entities in the AppSpace to the state of the datastore.


  • The name of the containing domain and the name of the AppSpace must be known in order to restore.
  • The bwagent must be running.


  1. To restore the file system for an AppSpace and the runtime entities in the AppSpace, open a terminal and navigate to BW_HOME \bin.
  2. Enter the restore command from the command line, using the -domain option with the appspace argument specifying the name of the AppSpace to restore. This example restores AppSpace MyAppSpace in domain MyDomain.
    BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin restore -d MyDomain appspace MyAppSpace
  3. To verify the restore, check the file system. Open the BW_HOME\domains folder. Check for the named AppSpace folder under: BW_HOME\domains\domain_name\appspaces