FTP Quote

FTP Quote is a synchronous activity that sends an arbitrary command to the FTP server. FTP commands vary by their operating system, FTP version, and configuration. Before using this activity, check for the availability of the commands on the remote server.


The General tab has the following fields.

Field Literal Value/Module Property/Process Property Description
Name None The name to be displayed as label of the activity in the process.
FTP Connection Yes The path to the shared configuration resource containing the user information such as host name, username, and password.
Quit (post-command) None Select this check box to specify that the FTP connection should be closed after completing this command.

The FTP connection remains open, if you do not select this check box. All the FTP activities that specify the same FTP session (that is, the same host, port, username, and password), can share the FTP session until the connection is closed.

Has Socket Data None If selected, the FTP server returns the data as a result of executing the command.


Provide a short description of this activity.


The following is the input for this activity.

Input Item Datatype Description
Host string The name of the FTP server.

This overrides the value specified in the FTP Connection property.

Port integer The port number for the incoming FTP requests on the FTP server.

This overrides the value specified in the FTP Connection property.

UserName string The username for logging into the FTP server.

This overrides the value specified in the FTP Connection property.

Password string The password for logging into the FTP server.

This overrides the value specified in the FTP Connection property.

RemoteSITECommand string Optional. The system-specific command to be executed before the executing the specified command.
ValidReturnCodes string The optional list of valid return codes to validate the reply. Codes are three-digit numbers.

To specify multiple codes, separate each code with a comma or a space.

If the remote server returns a code not specified in this list, the activity raises an exception.

RemoteCommand string The command to be executed on the remote FTP server.
Timeout integer The amount of time to wait for the FTP server to respond.

This timeout is used when the FTP server places the FTP connection used by this activity into a waiting state.

This overrides the value specified in the FTP Connection property.


The following is the output for this activity.

Output Item Datatype Description
CommandItems string Each element in this repeating element is a returned value from the command executed on the remote server.


The Fault tab lists the following possible exceptions generated by this activity. For more information about error codes and the corrective actions to take, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Error Codes guide.

Fault Generated When..
CommandExecutionException An error occurred when executing the FTP command.
ConnectionErrorException An error occurred when connecting to the FTP server.