Backing Up and Restoring an AppNode

Backing up an AppNode exports the current state of the specified AppNode to a bwadmin command file. The command file can be provided to bwadmin to recreate the AppNode. Output can be compressed to a ZIP file with the -zipped option.


  1. To back up the current state of an AppNode,
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to BW_HOME\bin.
    2. Enter the backup command from the command line, using -s option to identify the name of the destination file. Use the -domain and -appspace options , with the appnode argument in the command line. The AppNode can be either a local AppNode or an AppNode in a bwagent in the agent network. By default, destination files are written to the current working directory.
      This example backs up AppNode MyAppNode in a bwagent network to a command file named MyAppNode.cmd.
      BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin backup -s MyAppnode.cmd -d Machine2Domain -a AS1 appnode MyAppNode
  2. To restore the AppNode,
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to BW_HOME\bin.
    2. Enter the bwadmin command, providing the name of the backup command file. The following example recreates the AppNode MyAppNode.
      BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin -f MyAppnode.cmd

      If you are restoring to a different location, you need to update the command file as follows:

      • The agent name will point to localhost by default; you need to change this to the name of the machine you are restoring to.
      • Update the domain home to point to the absolute path to the new location.
      • Update the path to the application archive (EAR) file to an absolute path.
    3. Use the bwadmin show appnodes command at the command line with the -domain and -appspace options to verify the restore.