Configuring bwagent

The bwagent can be configured for a multi-agent, multi-machine environment.

The bwagent is configured using the bwagent.ini file in the BW_HOME\config folder. The bwagent.ini file template is a configuration file and contains the BW Admin data store configuration properties. Properties are pushed to the configuration file using JSON files.

BW Agent general configuration
bw.admin.mode The Admin mode. BW Administration tools can work in two modes, enterprise mode or local mode. In the enterprise mode it works with the agents across machines. In the local mode it works only with local machine and assumes no data store and transport and agents are available. The actions performed in local mode are not visible to the agents when ever they are started or even the admin tool when it is started in the enterprise mode.
bw.agent.networkName The name of the network. Must be the same for all the bwagents in the network. For more information, see Creating an Agent Network.
bw.agent.memberName The name of the bwagent. Must be unique within the network. For more information, see Creating an Agent Network. Add this property manually to bwagent.ini file. Set the property to true to allow BWAgent to run create table script on startup.

When you set the property to false, the default behavior of BWAgent changes, and it restricts BWAgent from runing create table script on startup.

Logging configuration
logback.configurationFile The logback configuration file to be used by the agent.
bw.agent.http.port The HTTP port. The HTTP interface (default=localhost).
bw.appnode.agent.http.communication.port The internal HTTP communication port the Thor engine uses to communicate with bwagent to send the status of AppNodes and applications. Update this property to specify a port to start the internal server on. The default port number is 56565.
bw.agent.http.access.log.config The HTTP Request Access Log Configuration file. The authentication mechanism used by the REST API, BASIC (default) or DIGEST.
bw.agent.https.port The secure port.
bw.agent.https.truststorepath The truststore.
bw.agent.https.truststorepassword The truststore password
bw.agent.https.keystorepath The keystore.
bw.agent.https.keystorepassword The keystore password.
bw.agent.https.excludeprotocols The protocols to be excluded.
bw.agent.https.includeprotocols The protocols to be included.
Configuration for AppNode to agent communication
bw.agent.appnode.user The user used by the AppNodes to communicate with the bwagent.
bw.agent.appnode.password The password for user used by AppNodes to communicate with the bwagent. If not set, the obfuscated password is read from the configured realm file. For example, $BW_HOME/config/
bw.agent.appnode.status.notify.timeout Time interval in seconds when the AppNode reports its status to the bwagent.
TEA Agent configuration Identifies the bwagent for TEA to be registered.
bw.agent.tea.agent.port Identifies the bwagent for TEA to be registered.
bw.agent.tea.agent.context.path=/bwta Used to create bwagents register URL for TEA.
bw.agent.tea.server.url The bwagent uses this URL to identitfy which server to be registered to.
Technology Type Configuration. Supported types are DBEMS or DBFTL The provider to use for the datastore such as an external database (PostgreSQL , MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, db2 or MariaDB, ) with transport as TIBCO FTL® or TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).

Set to either:


For more information, see the following topics: Timeout for requests sent to other bwagents. The default value is 60000 ms.
DBEMS technology type Database provider. Supported options are postgresql, mysql and oracle database 12c, MS sqlserver, db2 and MariaDB. The DB driver.

Example: dbDriver=org.postgresql.Driver

Example: dbDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Example: dbDriver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver



Example: dbDriver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver The DB connection URL.

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mysql://db:3306/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@db:1521:bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:sqlserver://db:1433;databaseName=bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:db2://db:50000/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mariadb://db:3306/databaseName=bwadmindb The DB user.

Example: dbUserName=bwuser The DB password.

Example: dbPassword=bwuser The EMS server URL.

Example: emsServerUrl=tcp://ems:7222

Example: ldap://nn.nn.nnn.nnn:nnnnn/CN=admin,ou=users,o=tibco
Note: Provide a comma-separated list to add multiple EMS servers. The EMS connection Factory name.

Example: ldap.connectionFactoryName=QCFN The EMS user.

Example: emsUserName=admin The EMS user password.

Example: emsPassword= The EMS member queue.

Example: requestQueueName=bw6.admin.operations.queue.{{membername}} The BW Agent Qin group name prefix. This property is optional and the default value is "EMSGMS". The EMS ssl configuration.

client identity consisting of the certificate, private key and optionally extra issuer certificates can be included into a single data block using PKCS12, KeyStore or Entrust Store encodings.{EMS_HOME}/samples/certs/client_identity.p12 The set of Trusted Certificates represents all trusted issuers of the server certificate. It must be specified by the client application unless the host certificate verification is completely disabled. Example:{EMS_HOME}/samples/certs/server_root.cert.pem EMS SSL connection trust password. This property is required if the JMS server protocol is ssl. The password may be clear text or supplied as an obfuscated string. The trusted certificate commonname must match the ems server hostname if set to false. The client and server certificates must match if set to false. Interval for EMS reconnection. Value is in milliseconds (default: 10s).
DBFTL technology type The Database provider. Supported options are postgresql, mysql and oracle database 12c, MS sqlserver, db2 and MariaDB. The DB driver.

Example: dbDriver=org.postgresql.Driver

Example: dbDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Example: dbDriver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver



Example: dbDriver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver The DB connection URL.

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mysql://db:3306/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@db:1521:bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:sqlserver://db:1433;databaseName=bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:db2://db:50000/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mariadb://db:3306/databaseName=bwadmindb The DB user.

Example: dbUserName=bwuser The DB password.

Example: dbPassword=bwuser The FTL Realm server URL.

Example: ftlRealmServerUrl=http://localhost:8070 The FTL application name.

Example: ftlApplicationName=bwadmin The FTL identifier.

Example: ftlIdentifier= The FTL secondary realm server.

Example: ftlSecondaryUrl=http://localhost:8070 The FTL user.

Example: ftlUserName=admin The FTL user password.

Example: ftlPassword= The FTL endpoint.

Example: ftlEndpoint=bw-endpoint The FTL data format.

Example: ftlDataformat= The FTL inbox name.

Example: ftlInbox=

Statistics Provider Configuration The stats provider technology. The Database provider. Supported options are postgresql, mysql and oracle database 12c, MS sqlserver, db2 and MariaDB. The DB driver.

Example: dbDriver=org.postgresql.Driver

Example: dbDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # Example: dbDriver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver



Example: dbDriver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver The DB connection URL.

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mysql://db:3306/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@db:1521:bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:sqlserver://db:1433;databaseName=bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:db2://db:50000/bwadmindb

Example: dbConnectionURL=jdbc:mariadb://db:3306/databaseName=bwadmindb The DB user.

Example: dbUserName=bwuser The DB password.

Example: dbPassword=bwuser

Governance and Policy Director Configuration - The properties in this section are applicable to Governance Lifecycle Event Listener and it is used to communicate with the TIBCO Policy Director Administrator.
bw.governance.enable To enable or disable the Governance Lifecycle Event Listener. This property is optional and specifies whether the Governance Lifecycle Event Listener should be enabled or disabled in the BW Agent. The supported values are: true or false. The default value is 'false'.
bw.governance.jms.server.url The Policy Director Administrator JMS URL. This property is optional and is used to specify the JMS server URL used to communicate with the Policy Director Administrator. If this property is not set, then the Lifecycle Event Listener will not attempt to connect to the JMS server. The URL is expected to start with 'tcp://' or 'ssl://' and the failover URLs can be specified as a ',' or '+' separated list.
bw.governance.jms.server.username The Policy Director Administrator JMS User Name. This property is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified.
bw.governance.jms.server.password The Policy Director Administrator JMS User Password. This property is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified. The Policy Director Administrator JMS SSL connection trust store type. This property is required if the JMS server protocol is ssl. The supported values are 'JKS' and 'JCEKS'. The default value is 'JKS'. The Policy Director Administrator JMS SSL connection trust store location. This property is required if the JMS server protocol is ssl. The Policy Director Administrator JMS SSL connection trust store password. This property is required if the JMS server protocol is ssl. The password may be clear text or supplied as an obfuscated string.
bw.governance.jms.reconnect.attempt.count The Policy Director Administrator JMS Connection attempt count. This property is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified and it specifies the number of JMS connection attempts the Lifecycle Event Listener will make. The default value is '120'.
bw.governance.jms.reconnect.attempt.timeout The Policy Director Administrator JMS Connection attempt timeout. This property # is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified and # it specifies the timeout between the attempt to reestablish connection to # the JMS server. The default value is '500'.
bw.governance.jms.reconnect.attempt.delay The Policy Director Administrator JMS Connection attempt delay. This property is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified and it specifies the delay in milliseconds between attempts to establish reestablish connection the JMS server. The default value is '500'. The Policy Director Administrator JMS receiver queue name prefix. This property is required if the Policy Director Administrator JMS URL is specified and it specifies receiver queue name prefix for the Lifecycle Event Listener and Policy Director Administrator communication. This property value must match the value specified in the Policy Director Administrator configuration. The default value is ''.<UserCustomProperty> The Policy Director Administrator JMS JNDI custom property. This property is optional and it provides the ability to specify custom property for the JMS JNDI Initial Context. For example to provide a custom property called "myProperty" for the JNDI Initial Context, then specify a property "".

The default location of the domains folder, where runtime entities are stored, can be changed. For information, see Configuring the Location of the Default Datastore.