New Features

The following new features are available in this release of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™.

Release 6.6.0

Common Features
Support for validation up to activity level To enable validation at activity level, set the property bw.application.activity.validateInput[.<ApplicationName>[.<ApplicationVersion>][.<ModuleName>.<ProcessName>[.<ActivityName>]]] to true at AppNode level.
Support for Memory Saving Mode Memory saving mode allows memory used by an activity output variable to be released when the value of the variable is no longer needed.

Memory saving can be enabled at design-time and run-time both.

For more information, see "Memory Saving Mode" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Performance Benchmarking and Tuning guide.

Enhanced OpenTracing
  • Enable or disable OpenTracing on Admin UI. For more information, see "OpenTracing" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.
  • OpenTracing now displays trace structure when activities generate exceptions.
  • OpenTracing now displays the name of the process for starter activities using the ProcessName tag.
  • You can add custom tags for OpenTracing.

    A new tab Tags is added for all activities.

    Additionally, each activity has a few more pre-defined tags except for Rendezvous palette activities supported for OpenTracing.

    The tags help you understand more details about the job.

  • Predefined tags for SOAP reference binding are visible in the Invoke activity whereas SOAP service binding related tags are visible in the Receive activity. Additional headers to propagate SpanContext are added to the SOAP message when OpenTracing is enabled.
  • Predefined tags for REST reference binding are now visible in the Invoke activity whereas REST service binding related tags are visible in the Receive activity.

    Complete list of predefined tags for REST and SOAP bindings, see "OpenTracing Tags From Palettes" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

  • Opentracing tags are added for the HTTP Receiver and the Wait For HTTP activities.
LogBack client library is upgrade. The LogBack client library is now upgraded from version 1.0.13 to version 1.2.3
Additional output elements added for WSDL defining a SOAP fault. For a WSDL defining a SOAP fault, a new Enable CustomFaultElement check box is added in SOAP Reference Binding. Select the check box to enable the following elements on the Invoke activity:
  • faultcode
  • faultstring
  • faultactor
The elements are available in the output.
New field added for SOAP Binding over JMS transport JMSCorrelationID field is added in request context on the SOAP Reference Binding. For more information, see "Reference Binding - Request Context" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.
The GetProcessStarterStats engine command is now supported. The GetProcessStarterStats engine command is now added as an option in the Commands To Execute drop down list on the General tab of the Engine Command activity.

For more information about output items, see "Commands" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support for Process Starter activities in Shared Modules. Process Starter activities are now supported in Shared Modules.
Ability to identify and remove duplicate XSLT parameters Quick fix option to identify and remove duplicate XSLT parameters.

For example, if you have the following XSLT parameters:

<xsl:param name="Generate_GUID">
<xsl:param name="Generate_GUID">
Then, after applying Quick fix option, it is:
<xsl:param name=Generate_GUID">
Mock support This release extends out-of-the-box unit testing capability to add Mock Support. Moving ahead, you can select option Add Mock Output for activities and configure absolute path of a file to store mock outputs using Output File Path option. The following activities are supported:
  • HTTP Palette
    • Send HTTP Request
  • Java Palette
    • Java Invoke
    • Java To XML
    • XML To Java
  • JMS Palette
    • JMS Request Reply
    • Get JMS Queue Message
    • JMS Send Message
  • FTP Palette
    • FTP Get
    • FTP Put
  • JDBC Palette
    • JDBC Query
    • JDBC Call Procdeure
    • JDBC Update
    • SQL Direct
  • General Activities Palette
    • Mapper
    • Call Process
  • Parse Palette
    • Parse Data
    • Render Data
  • XML Activities Palette
    • Parse XML
    • Render XML
  • REST and JSON Palette
    • Invoke Rest API
    • Parse JSON
    • Render JSON
  • Invoke activity for REST Reference binding.
  • Invoke activity for SOAP Reference binding.
Support for Activity as assertion mode. A new option Activity is added in the Assertion Mode drop-down list option on the Tests tab after installing the Maven Plug-in. Activity Assertion mode adds ability to assert complete activity output.
WSDLs with identical namespaces are supported. WSDLs with identical namespaces are supported in an application and shared modules.
Suspend and Resume process instance operations Ability to suspend and resume currently running jobs.

For more information, see "Suspending and Resuming Process Instances" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Selectively starting of process starters Ability to control which component executes when starting an application.

For more information, see "Starting a component in an Application" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

From TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, you can enable auto start of component processes. For more information, see "Working with Multiple Component Processes" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Ability to retrieve status of all applications deployed on an AppSpace from REST API Added the following two application REST APIs:
  • GET "/domains/{domain}/appspaces/{appspace}/applications/{name}/{version}/status
  • GET "/domains/{domain}/appspaces/{appspace}/applications/status"
Select All functionality to delete all AppNodes and AppSpaces from Admin CLI A new parameter -all has been introduced to delete all AppSpaces and AppNodes in one go.

For more information, see "Deleting an AppNode" and "Deleting an AppSpace" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Support is added for EMS configuration with LDAP security authentication in the bwagent.ini file. In the bwagent.ini file, make the following changes: <LDAP directory structure>.

LDAP directory structure might be of the form: ldap://<Host:Port>/CN=admin,ou=users,o=tibco

Add the following property manually:<connectionFactoryName>, where connectionFactoryName is generated using LDAP server.

You can now download .EAR files uploaded to a domain. You can download Application archives from a domain to your local system using Admin UI, CLI, and REST API.

For more information about downloading an application archive by using Admin CLI and Admin UI, see "Downloading an Application Archive" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

You can now validate HTTP ports in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks scope using command line option.

A new command validateport is added for Admin CLI.

validateport <port number>

The Command History tab in Admin UI displays user information. You can get information about user who performed the given operation in the Command History tab or Deployment History tab.
Support for multiple certificates for EMS FT over SSL in BWAgent. You can provide multiple comma-separated certificated for EMS FT over SSL using the property
Design Time
Transition as well as group configuration errors are now highlighted in the Problems tab. The following type of configuration errors are now highlighted in the Problems tab when the XPath version is set to 2.0 in the XPath Builder dialog box:
  • Function argument type mismatch
  • Comparing type mismatch
Ability to exclude process diagram information from an .EAR file. Select the Exclude diagram information during packaging check box on the Window > Preferences > BusinessWorks > Deployment dialog box in TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks to exclude process diagram information from .EAR file.

A new command line option -removediagraminfo is added to the export command. For example:

export -ear test2.application -removediagraminfo D:\Samples

This feature helps you reduce the size of the .EAR file.

Enhanced Unused Resources feature. Now, the Unused Resources feature has the following features:
  • Provision for excluding the unused resources while creating .EAR file.

    You can also preview the list of unused resources that are excluded during generation of .EAR file.

  • The Delete option under Unused resources view performs cascade delete.

    You can preview the list of dependent unused resources that are also deleted when you delete an unused resource.

  • The unused Module Shared Variables or Job Shared Variables are displayed under Unused Resources view.
  • The count of unused resources for the application is displayed.

For more information about the enhancements made, see "Unused Resources" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Enhanced collaborative development capability in TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks. The following features are now supported:
  • Now you can keep track of your empty folders in a project by using .gitignore files.
  • Default .gitignore file creation when creating a new project.

For more information, see "Generating gitignore Files" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Ability to copy the Job Data from the Debugger view. TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks provides the ability to copy the Job Data from the Debugger view.
Renaming the Swagger file when importing in API Explorer. TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks provides the ability to rename the Swagger file when importing in API Explorer.
Importing a profile with deleted properties is now supported. To keep values from the imported profile only, select the Match profile exactly (Deletes variables if required) check box added on the Import Profile dialog box.
Ability to create complex value by combining two module properties

You can combine two module properties in the following ways:

  1. Two properties in the same module-
    prop1 = C:\
    prop2 = applications
    prop3 = %%prop1%%%%prop2%%
    So prop3 becomes C:\applications at runtime.
  2. One property in the shared module and one in the application module -
    prop1 = C:\
    prop2 = applications (defined in shared module)
    prop3 = %%prop1%%%%//<name of the shared module>//prop2%%
    prop3 becomes C:\applications at runtime

You can use these complex values in shared resources as well.

SOAP header support for the SOAPRequestReply and SOAPEventSource activities after migration. SOAP headers are now supported in the SOAPRequestReply and SOAPEventSource activities after migration with the following limitation.

You need to manually populate the input tab for the SetContext activity. In the component binding section, only the copy-of function mapping is currently supported. For a one-to-one mapping, you need to do a manual mapping.

The Choice element support in an activity inline schema post migration. The Choice element (referred from different .xsd files) is supported in the migrated activity inline schema.
Comment support in an activity post migration. The comments in an activity input were migrated as comment binding.
Connection Timeout option for TCP Open Connection A new field Connection Timeout is added on the General tab of the TCP Open Connection activity to provide connection timeout value.
SSL/TLS support for TCP Connection A new Security section is added in the TCP Connection shared resource. Select the Confidentiality check box to encrypt or decrypt messages.

When you select the check box, the SSL Client Configuration field is visible.

A new field Security is added on the General tab of the TCP Receiver and the TCP Wait For Request activities. Select the SSL Server shared resource from the drop down list.

Check box added for Disable Pretty Print and Suppress XML Declaration Check box added for Disable Prettty Print and Suppress XML Declaration on the General tab of the Render XML activity.

By default the check boxes are not selected.

Change in value of the Connection Idle Timeout In the JDBC Driver field Connection Idle Timeout supports module and literal property option which can be given by the user in seconds, minutes or hours.
Support for HTTP 2.0 has been added. HTTP 2.0 support has now been added for the HTTP palette , along with a new client library Jetty client for HTTP 2.0.

For more information about HTTP 2.0 support, see "HTTP Connector" and "HTTP Client" shared resources in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

HTTP Exceptions are added on the Invoke activity HTTP exceptions are added on Invoke activity for SOAP over HTTP Reference binding.

For more information, see "Invoke for SOAP with HTTP" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palette Reference guide.

IPv6 address is now supported for HTTP palette, SOAP and REST bindings. IPv6 address is now supported for HTTP palette, SOAP and REST bindings.

Release 6.5.1

Common Features
Duplicate key timeout configuration for applications having a Checkpoint activity. You can configure the duplicate key timeout for applications having a Checkpoint activity, and the interval at which expired duplicate keys are deleted from the database.

The following new properties are defined in the AppSpace and AppNode config.ini files:

  • bw.application.checkpoint.dupKeyTimeout: Use to configure duplicate key timeout.
  • bw.engine.checkpoint.expired.dupkey.purge.interval: Use to configure the interval at which old duplicate keys should be deleted from the database

For more information, see "Engine and Job Tuning" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Apache Commons Fileupload Library upgrade Apache Commons Fileupload Library is upgraded to a newer version.
Collated view of all reporting errors. You can see all the errors at the same time to understand more reasons for an application startup failure.

Add a new property at the AppNode's or AppSpace's config.ini file.

Set the property to true and restart the AppNode to take effect the changes.

For more information, see "Engine Properties" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Open Tracing Open Tracing now supports the following:
  • Spawned sub-process as a followed span of a main process
  • Inline process as a child span of a main process
  • REST Reference Bindings and REST Service Bindings
Performance improvement for executing the XSLT. Performance improvement is made for executing the XSLT for the input to an activity when the mapping consists entirely of a copy of the output of some previous activity.

For new mappings, the tibex:copyOf extension attribute is automatically added to an activity, if the activity’s input binding contains a root level xslt:copy-of element to improve the performance.

Support for replace() XPath function. Support is added for the replace() XPath function.
Ability to view Kerberos debug logs. To view Kerberos debug logs in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, set the property to true.
PKCS11 FIPS provider support for SSL/TLS connections. The Provider field in the Keystore Provider shared resource is now an editable drop-down list and a new keystore type PKCS#11 is added to the Type field.

For more information, see "Keystore Provider" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Design Time
Ability to delete a WSDL operation of REST Bindings. You can now delete a WSDL operation of REST Service as well as Reference Bindings with top-down approach and bottom-up approach by using the Refactor option.
Ability to show types and elements from included schemas. The XML Editor of TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks now shows types and elements from included schemas.
A new JSON With Root option is added. The JSON With Root option is added in the JSON Definition Style field on the Request tab and the Response tab of the REST Service Binding.

Select the option to include the root element in the input JSON string.

For more information about "JSON Definition Style", see TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ REST Implementation guide.

A new Start Job on Input Exception check box is added. The Start Job on Input Exception check box is added on the REST Service Binding.

Select the check box to start the job when there is wrong or erroneous input.

Support for packages with the same name in different shared modules. You can now create packages with the same name in different shared modules.
Configurable Update site URL. You can now configure an Updatesite URL in the Configure API Settings. Use bwcloud.updatesite property value from a config.ini file as an URL to get supported plugin Ids.
Support to return single resultset using ref cursor. Support is added in the JDBC Call Procedure activity for PostgreSQL function to return single resultset using ref cursor.
JWT Authentication is now supported. A new JWT Authentication check box is added on the Security tab of the HTTP Connector shared resource.

Select the check box to enable the JWT Algorithm drop-down list and the Secret Key field.

For more information, see "HTTP Connector" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

A new Include Timestamp check box is added. A new Include Timestamp check box is added on the General tab of all File Palette activities except for Copy File activity.

Select the check box to generate the last modified timestamp.

Support to display columns with null values or empty columns from the database tables. A new Use Nilcheck box is added on the Advanced tab of the JDBC Call Procedure activity.

Select the check box to display columns with null values or empty columns from the database tables.

Support to display columns with null values or empty columns from the database tables. A new Use Nilcheck box is added on the Advanced tab of the SQL Direct activity.

Select the check box to display columns with null values or empty columns from the database tables.

Display of all columns for empty resultset. When one of the tables returned as part of a SQL procedure response is completely empty, then all columns of the table are still displayed.
Ability to set REST call request timeout for Invoke REST API activity. A new Activity Timeout (seconds) field is added on the Advanced tab of the Invoke REST API activity. For more information, see "Invoke REST API" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Release 6.5.0

Common Features
A new Avoid generating empty element for optional-nil element mapping to optional element check box is added. The Avoid generating empty element for optional-nil element mapping to optional element check box is added in the Mapper section of the Preferences dialog box.

Select the check box to forbid empty elements in opt-nil element to optional element mapping.

After selecting or clearing the check box, clean the project for the changes to take effect.

The Ignore Additional JSON Fields field is added in the REST Service Binding and REST Reference Binding. TheIgnore Additional JSON Fields field is added to the Request tab of the Operation Details pane of the REST Service Binding and Response tab of the Operation Details pane of the REST Reference Binding.

Select the check box to ignore additional fields that are received due to the changes in the external payload when processing the schema.

By default this check box is not selected.

OpenTracing Support is added for OpenTracing.

For more information, see "OpenTracing" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Blocking Queue Size field added to REST Service Binding. The Blocking Queue Size field is added in the Advanced Configuration section of the REST Service Binding.

This field sets the number of threads to be created for a REST service.

By default, it is set to the value, Integer.MAX_VALUE.

For more information, see "REST Service Binding" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ REST Implementation guide.

A new Check unsynchronized runtime binding check box is added. The Check unsynchronized runtime binding check box is added in the Mapper option of the Preferences dialog box.

Select the check box to detect the difference in the stored runtime XSLT and the computed runtime XSLT. After selecting or clearing the check box, clean the project for the changes to take effect.

Ability to navigate to an activity in the debug view. When there are complex processes in a project, you can check the debug status of an activity by double clicking the activity in the process diagram. This action highlights the corresponding entry in the BusinessWorks Jobs tab.
The MTOM attachment style now supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 specifications. The Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) attachment style can now be configured with both the SOAP versions, 1.1 and 1.2.
A new radio button XPath Version is added in the XPath Builder dialog box. The XPath Version radio button is added in the XPath Builder dialog box for Group activity and transition only. The following are the two options provided:
  • 1.0
  • 2.0

By default, the option, 2.0 is selected.

It validates the specified XPath expression depending upon the selected version.

A new Hide Server Implementation check box is added. The Hide Server Implementation check box is added to the HTTP Connector shared resource. When selected, the Powered By Jetty string does not appear in the error response.
Application Logging Support for Application level logging.

For more information about configuring Application logging using the Log activity, see "Log" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

For more information about configuring Application logging using the logback.xml file, see "Application Logging" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Two new fields, SOAP Actor and Protect Token are added to the Subject Provider shared resource. The SOAP Actor field can be used to provide the SOAP actor attribute to address the SOAP header element to a specific endpoint.

When the Protect Token check box is selected, it enables signing of the Binary Security Token.

For more information, see "Subject Provider" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Multiple AppNodes activation mode of the processes for the FTGroup persistence mode. A new bwengine property bw.engine.ftgroup.lbmode is added to support Multiple AppNodes activation mode of the processes for the FTGroup persistence mode.

For more information about this bwengine property, see "Configuring the Engine for FTGroup Persistence Mode" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

The Expose Security Context check box is added to the SOAP Service Binding. The Expose Security Context check box is added to the SOAP Service Binding. Select the check box to expose security context in the message header.

After selecting this option, you can map information from the inbound security context to the SecurityContext element of the Input Context.

Support has been added to use MariaDB as a database for the engine. Support is added to use MariaDB as a database for the engine.

For more information, see "Configuring Database for the Engine" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Retrieve the complete version of an application. The Application Full Version module property is added to the list of predefined module properties on the Constants tab.

This module property returns a three-digit application version in the format <major>.<minor>.<micro>

The Quick Fix option for extra parameter binding. The Quick Fix option is now available when an extra parameter binding is detected after projects are imported to the workspace.

Use this option to remove all the extra parameter binding related design time errors.

Multiple force kill commands can now be triggered for AppNodes from the Admin CLI and Admin UI. You can now trigger multiple force kill commands for AppNodes one after the other and the most recent force shut down command takes precedence over the previous commands.
Application portability between TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x, TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition and TIBCO Cloud™ Integration

Now you can deploy TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x , TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition and TIBCO Cloud™ Integration EAR's to any of these three environments.

The bwdesign utility now generates the manifest.json file from the EAR to push TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x or TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition, EAR files to TIBCO Cloud™ Integration.

For more information, see "Generating the manifest.json File Using the bwdesign Utility" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Implementation of OSGi commands from Admin CLI OSGi commands can be executed from the Admin CLI.
Support has been added to populate custom HTTP headers in the error response of the REST Service Binding. When you select the Use HTTP Header check box, you can add custom HTTP fault headers defined in the Response Status tab in the REST Service Binding and REST Reference Binding.
Ability to elect the leader AppNode in FTGroup scenarios You can now elect the leader AppNode in FTGroup by configuring two new bwengine properties, bw.engine.node.weight and bw.engine.use.weighted.node.

For more information, see "Engine Properties" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Coercion now supports XML Attributes You can coerce input data with Attribute.

For more information, see "Coercing a Specific Data Type" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

The WSDL inline schema from shared module can now be referred. The WSDL inline schema from shared module can now be referred to the application module.
Process Monitoring Using the process monitoring feature you can observe and check the status of process instances from the Admin UI.

For more information, see "Enabling process Monitoring" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Password encryption for FTL passwords in bwagent.ini file FTL passwords can now be provided as obfuscated passwords using bwadmin.
Support has been added to deploy and start multiple versions of the same application in the same AppSpace. Same applications with different versions can now be deployed to the same AppSpace.
Ability to show heap memory in Admin UI You can now view the heap memory usage in the Admin UI on the AppNode Level 1 page in the graph view.

For more information, see "Viewing AppNode Statuses" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

MariaDB database support added for bwagent with TIBCO EMS and TIBCO FTL

The bwagent can be configured to use the MariaDB database with TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) and TIBCO FTL for persistence and transport.

For more information, see "Configuring bwagent for MariaDB and TIBCO EMS" and "Configuring bwagent for MariaDB and TIBCO FTL" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

Pagination support in Admin UI Admin UI now supports pagination for Application Archives, AppSpaces, Applications and AppNodes Level 1 Pages to improve page loading performance.
Authorization to BWAgent REST API by roles can now be enabled with LDAP or file based authentication. Authorization to BWAgent REST API by roles can now be enabled with LDAP or file based authentication. BWAgent REST API supports the admin, operator, and user roles for authorization.

To enable authorization, set the property bw.agent.http.authorization to true in the bwagent.ini file.

Users assigned the admin role are given full permissions including create, read, update, delete, and lifecycle. The operator role has the read and lifecycle (start, stop) permissions. The user role has the read only permission.

Note: Authorization does not work for LDAP Custom Group or Role. To use the LDAP custom group or role along with existing groups or roles, use the property customRoleForLDAP in the jaas.login.conf file
REST API to return partial response

A new feature has been added to BWAgent REST API that returns only the selected fields instead of the full response based on the query parameters.

Example 1: To check the status of an Application, the REST API GET URL would be -



The url will return the following response:


Note: Use comma separated fields after the question mark (?) with fields=keyword in the request query. Spaces are not permitted.

Example 2: To get AppSpace details

Normal query - http://localhost:8079/bw/v1/domains/<DomainName>/appspaces/<AppSpaceName>

It will give the total payload(all fields).

Select Query - http://localhost:8079/bw/v1/domains/<DomainName>/appspaces/<AppSpaceName>

?select=name,status – It will retrieve only 2 fields.

Sub-field - http://localhost:8079/bw/v1/domains/<DomainName>/appspaces/<AppSpaceName>

?select=appSpaceConfigRefs.href – It will fetch href of appSpaceConfigRefs.

Note: The query will return an empty response if the selected field is a collection.
Dynamically passing application specific properties without restarting the AppNode You can now dynamically set job tuning properties like Flow Limit and Page Threshold for an application from the Admin UI without restarting the AppNode.
Design Time
TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks™ TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks™ now supports developing and debugging applications for ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x, TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition, and TIBCO Cloud™ Integration.

For more information, see "Reconfiguring Deployment Target" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Generate the manifest.json file for TIBCO Cloud™ Integration The bwdesign utility now generates the manifest.json file from the EAR. For more information, see "Generating the manifest.json File Using the bwdesign Utility" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.
A new preference option Automatically open process files during debugger session has been added in the Run/Debug wizard. A new preference option, Automatically open process files during debugger session has been added in the Run/Debug wizard.

This option is enabled by default, and opens all the executed processes while running an application in the debug mode.

You can now disable the Automatically open process files during debugger session check box by clearing it, and the processes within the application do not open when the application is run in the debug mode.

Analyzing Dependencies and References

The Dependency Visualizer feature provides graphical representation of all the direct and indirect dependencies and references for an application. You can use this option to view the hierarchy of processes, shared resources, WSDL files, and XSD files.

For more information, see "Analyzing Dependencies and References" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Application Development guide.

Refactoring support has been added to reference a Shared Variable in a Shared Module from an application module. Refactoring support has been added to reference a Shared Variable in a Shared Module from an application module.

A new option, Update Shared Variable from Shared Module Navigate has been added to the Shared Variable section in the Module Descriptor editor.

Select the required option and from the Refactoring wizard, select the shared module where the reference to the shared variable needs to be updated.

Support has been added to turn the Build Automatically option ON or OFF from the config.ini file. In the {TIBCO_HOME}/studio/{version}/eclipse/configuration/config.ini file you can now add the bw.autobuild property.

When the bw.autobuild property value is true, auto building of the project builders is turned on during starting of TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.

When the bw.autobuild property value is true, the Project > Build Automatically option is selected.

When the bw.autobuild property value is false, the Project > Build Automatically option is clear.

The Migration wizard now triggers migration with a single click. The Migration wizard now triggers migration with a single click using the Migrate Project button.
Migration now supports direct call process, context resource and service agent operations containing WSDL messages with reference to type definition. Migration now supports direct call process, context resource and service agent operations containing WSDL messages with reference to type definition.
Multiple port type support for WSDLs. Migrating services with multiple port type is supported.
Fault Context Header migration. Fault Context Header migration is now supported.
Support added for TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x Invoke Partner activity migration.

The Invoke Partner activity will create reference bindings in migrated processes.

This activity will also support header message creation for reference bindings from TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x Partner Link Resource configuration.

Support has been added to use a module property for the Default Confidentiality field. The Default Confidentiality field in the Security pane of the HTTP Client shared resource now supports a module property and a literal value.

For more information see "Default Confidentiality" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

A new check box Fill Standard Headers has been added. A new check box, Fill Standard Headers has been added in the Advanced tab of the HTTP Receiver and Wait for HTTP Request activities.

When selected, additional headers such as Authorization, User-agent, and Host are populated in Dynamic Headers in the output of these activities.

For more information, see "HTTP Receiver" and "Wait for HTTP Request" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

A new check box Override S/A DataType Schema has been added. A new check box, Override S/A DataType Schema has been added in the Advanced tab of JDBC Call Procedure activity for object and collection use cases. When selected, the check box replaces the schema name used with the object type by a newly provided schema in the Schema tab of the JDBC Call Procedure activity at runtime.

For more information, see "JDBC Call Procedure" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support has been added for the OPTIONS method. ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ now supports the OPTIONS method in the REST Service Binding and REST Reference Binding.
Support for custom JNDI properties. Support has been added for custom JNDI properties in the JNDI Configuration shared resource.

A new JNDI provider option, TIBCO Custom JMS has been added in the JNDI Configuration shared resource.

For more information, see "JNDI Configuration" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support for PostgreSQL function. Support has been added in the JDBC Call Procedure activity for PostgreSQL function to return a resultset.
A new check box Write Non Mime Content is added. A new check box, Write Non Mime Content in Advanced tab of the Send HTTP Request activity is displayed on selecting the Write To File option.

When selected, non-MIME attachments or data downloaded from a server can be saved to the disk.

The filePath element is added in the output schema that contains the path of the file where the attachment is stored.

For more information, see " Send HTTP Request" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support is added for the HTTP PATCH method in the Send HTTP Request activity and HTTP Receiver activity for the Apache Components Client. The PostData field in the Input tab of the Send HTTP Request activity is used to provide the input for the HTTP PATCH method.
Support is added for the PATCH method in the Disable HTTP Methods field in the HTTP Connector shared resource. The PATCH method is added to the list of HTTP methods in the Disable HTTP Methods field. The method can be optionally disabled at the HTTP Connector shared resource. An error 405 Method not Allowed is displayed when a request is sent with a disabled method.
A new check box Provide Client Resource has been added. A new check box, Provide Client Resource has been added in the Advanced tab of the Send HTTP Request activity.

Select this check box to dynamically select a different HTTP Client resource. When you select this check box, Host and Port fields are replaced by the ClientResource field in the Input tab.

For more information, see "Send HTTP Request" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

A new activity Transform JSON has been added. A new activity Transform JSON has been added in the REST/JSON Palette.

You can convert JSON data in one format to the other JSON format using the Jolt specification.

For more information about the fields of the activity, see "Transform JSON" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide

Support is added for Oracle database 12c Release 2. TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ now supports Oracle database 12c Release 2.
A new field Connection Idle Timeout has been added. A new field Connection Idle Timeout has been added in the JDBC Driver section of the JDBC Connection shared resource.

For more information, see "JDBC Connection" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support is added for custom JMS driver Support has been added for the TIBCO Custom JMS driver in the JNDI Connection section of the JNDI Configuration shared resource.

For more information, see "JNDI Configuration" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

MariaDB is now supported in JDBC Palette MariaDB can now be used for the JDBC Connection shared resource, and activities from the JDBC palette.
Support for module property has been added in the Confidentiality check box of the HTTP Client shared resource. You can provide module property along with the standard behavior of Confidentiality check box in the HTTP Client shared resource.

For more information, see "HTTP Client" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support is added for the Shared Subscription feature of JMS 2.0 specification. A new check box, Shared Subscription is added on the General tab of the JMS Receive Message activity.

For more information, see "JMS Receive Message" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference guide.

Support has been added to set the constructor arguments for the Java Global Instance shared resource using module properties. You can set the value of a constructor parameter by using module properties in the Java Global Instance shared resource.