Context-Sensitive Help Preferences

This procedure explains how to change your help preferences in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ to access context-sensitive help from a local directory or from an internal web server where you have placed the documents.


To set context-sensitive help preferences, you must first download the product documentation from the FTP site provided by your TIBCO representative. Copy the documentation .zip file to a local directory, or to an internal web server and then extract the file.


  1. In TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, click Window > Preferences. On macOS, click TIBCO Business Studio > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, click BusinessWorks > Help.
  3. Select Custom Location and then click Browse to select the html directory where you extracted the documentation, or provide the URL to the html directory on your internal web server.
  4. Click Apply and then click OK.