Changes in Functionality

The following functionality-related changes have been made in this release.

Release 6.6.0

The Process Details pane is set as the default page on the Process tab on the Application Level2 page of Admin UI.

Earlier, when you select the Process tab on the Application Level 2 page on Admin UI, Process diagram was shown.

Now, it is changed to Process Details pane.

Axis2 TPCL upgrade Axis2 TPCL upgraded to 1.7.9 version.

Use Apache Components for HTTP communication in SOAP.

Apache Commons library is now no longer used, because it is deprecated. Older imported projects using Apache Commons, continue to display Apache Commons as the client option, but Apache Components is used as the client for executing the HTTP requests, because this library is obsolete.
Support for empty SOAP Header element. Empty header element <soapenv:Header/> is passed in the SOAP envelope even if you don't configure the SOAP service with Headers.
Jetty upgrade The Jetty server version is updated to version 9.4.18.

After upgrade, the Jetty TPCL does not support TLS v1.0, v1.1 and SSL v3. The behavioral change has been implemented internally in the Jetty library, to resolve existing security vulnerabilities.

Preventing .EAR file generation, if it has Java-related errors Earlier, if the project had Java related errors at design time, TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks did not validate those errors while generating .EAR file. Now .EAR file is not generated, if it has Java-related errors.
The Include application modules check box from the Unused Resources view is now removed. The Include Application Modules check box is now removed from the Unused Resources view.

Implicitly, application modules are included during unused resources calculation.

When calculating unused resources for application modules, associated shared modules are also considered.

A few XPath functions are changed as per XML specifications Earlier, some of the XPath functions such as matches(), deep-equal() were not returning results as per XML Specifications.

Now, they return exact expected results.

The Jetty access logs are present for the HTTP Connector shared resource For TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks applications that use REST service binding with the HTTP Connector resource, set the system property -Dbw.engine.http.jetty.accesslogs.enable to true in the VM arguments, and set the org.eclipse.jetty logger to DEBUG level in the logback.xml file to enable Jetty access logs.
The default value of SSL Protocol is changed to TLSv1.2 Earlier, The default value of SSL Protocol was TLSv1.

Now, the default value of SSL Protocol for SSL Client or Server Configuration is changed to TLSv1.2

LDAP Authentication Policy Earlier, while using the LDAP Authentication policy, the Test Configuration button overrode the result in the existing screen, so there was no way to identify if there was a change in the result behavior.

Now, a new Clear button is added, and the timestamp in the log is also displayed.

Ability to send message body as a part of request for DELETE REST Service method calls Request message body was not allowed as the payload for DELETE HTTP requests invoking REST services.

This has been resolved for the Send HTTP Request activity with Jetty HTTP Client.

It is compulsory to use the Jetty HTTP client library in the HTTP Client resource with Send HTTP Request activity for achieving this functionality.

Release 6.5.1

You can get status messages for Invoke activity for REST Reference Binding. To get the status message for the exception occurred, set either */* , or use "text/html" in the Accept HTTP Header field on the Input tab of the Invoke activity.
A JSON array is not translated to an array with a generic schema type. Due to change in a library since TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ version 6.3.5, arrays at top level or root level are translated differently.
Jetty upgrade. The Jetty server version is updated to version 9.4.8. The following list shows its impact:
  • Generation of extra dynamic headers
  • Difference in case of charset
  • Space in the HTTP header name is not supported. If there is a space in the header name, the following error occurs: Bad message- 400 - Illegal character
  • Change in syntax for Secure REST API: change to org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.spi.LdapLoginModule .

    For more information about changes, see the Securing the bwagent REST API section in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Administration guide.

The default Activation mode is set to Multiple AppNodes. After migration, activation mode for processes and subprocesses was by default Single AppNode.

Now it is is changed from Single AppNode to Multiple AppNodes.

Changes in Functionality due to JRE Upgrade

With the current release TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.5.1 , the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is upgraded from JRE Update Release 144 to JRE Update Release 192 . For detailed list of changes made between these two release, see Java Development Kit 8 Update Release Notes at The following list shows most notable changes that can affect the product.

  • Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 191 (JDK 8u191)
    • Disabled all DES TLS Cipher Suites
  • Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 181 (JDK 8u181)
    • Removal of Java DB also known as Apache Derby.
  • Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 171 (JDK 8u171)
    • XML Signatures Signed with EC Keys Less Than 224 Bits Disabled
    • 3DES Cipher Suites Disabled
  • Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 161 (JDK 8u161)
    • RSA public key validation
    • Restrict Diffie-Hellman keys less than 1024 bits
    • Provider default key size is updated
    • Unlimited cryptography enabled by default .
    • Disable exportable cipher suites
    • Disable JARs signed with DSA keys less than 1024 bits
  • Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 151 (JDK 8u151)
    • Better keystore handling

Release 6.5.0

Default landing page for application monitoring The process instances page is now set as the default landing page.

Activity instance details can now be seen when you click the Activity Details tab next to the Process Diagram tab for a process instance.

Process and activity statistics collection using the logback file. Set the property in the bwagent.ini file. The process or activity statistics operation from the Admin UI saves the statistics to the CSV file or the database based on the logback file.

The default mechanism does not use logback.

BWAgent REST API now supports LDAP custom group or role configuration. To work with the LDAP Custom Group, update the property bw.agent.http.authorization=false in the bwagent.ini file.

When the property is set to true, the LDAP Custom Group does not work.

Add the customRoleForLDAP=myGroup property in jaas.login.conf file, where myGroup is the custom group defined in LDAP.

Problems view now grouped by type. The errors in the problems view are now grouped by type.
Validation options have been removed from the Repair BusinessWorks project wizard. The Quick Fix option is added for the following validation errors:
  • Remove imports with invalid location references
  • Remove imports with missing resource
  • Remove error transition with invalid references
  • Repair Group Iteration and Accumulation
  • Recover Activity IDs

Use the Quick Fix option instead of the Repair BusinessWorks project wizard for the above use cases.

The Hawk Microagent is no longer bundled with TIBCO Activematrix BusinessWorks™ installer. The Microagent is available as a separate component with TIBCO Activematrix BusinessWorks™ 6.5.0 and needs to be installed separately.
RESET packets are not sent to release the connection. HTTP client does not send RESET packets to release connections when the Disable Connection Pooling check box is clear, that is, persistent connections are enabled, and Disable Connection State Tracking check box is selected at HTTP Client shared resource, and the library chosen is Apache HTTP Components.
Multiple Set-Cookie elements can be sent. An error was generated when multiple Set-Cookie elements were sent by the HTTP server as HTTP Request outputs.

Now multiple Set-Cookie elements are allowed to be sent.

The cardinality of the Set-Cookie elements in the inline schema has been changed from optional (0 or 1) to multiple (0 or more). This is effective for new projects.

In case of older projects which are imported, Set-Cookie element is still optional in the inline schema. In such cases, you can select the new default schema, instead of the inline schema, to be used for the output headers for the Send HTTP Request activity.