Creating Custom XPath Functions

This topic provides the detailed procedure of creating a custom XPath function group. You can use the Custom XPath Function wizard to create your custom XPath function group. It uses the com.tibco.xml.cxf.customXPathFunction extension.

  1. Launch TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks and select File > New > Project.
  2. In the New Project window, select Plug-in Project and click Next.

  3. Specify a name for the project that reflects the XPath functions, for example, MyCustomXPathFunctions. Retain all other default selections and click Next.

  4. On the Plug-in Content page, locate the Options group and select This plug-in will make contributions to the UI.

  5. Accept all of the defaults and click Next.

  6. Select Custom XPath Function Wizard on the Templates page, and click Next.

  7. In the New Custom XPath Function Group plug-in project window provide values for the following fields and click Next to continue.


    Category: The name of the category that includes the custom XPath functions
    Prefix: The prefix for the functions
    Namespace: The namespace for the functions
    Help Text: The description of the functions

  8. Specify the XPath Function and XPath Function Parameters in the XPath Function Group Creation Section dialog.

  9. Click the Add button located on the right side of the XPath Functions table and provide values for:
    Name: the name of the function
    Return Type: the return type of the function
    Description: the description of the function
  10. Click the Add button located on the right side of the XPath Function Parameters table. Specify values for the following parameters and click Finish:
    Name: the name of the parameter
    Type: the data type of the parameter
    Optional: select the check box if the parameter is optional.
  11. The Open Associated Perspective dialog displays. Click Yes.
    TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorksopens in Plug-in and the Plug-in Development perspective.
  12. Open the Java class in the newly created Custom XPath function plug-in and implement the Custom XPath function.
    Now your Custom XPath function is ready for use at design time and run time.
    Note: The Custom XPath functions work only when the plug-in is marked as singleton.