Creating Custom XPath Functions
This topic provides the detailed procedure of creating a custom XPath function group. You can use the Custom XPath Function wizard to create your custom XPath function group. It uses the com.tibco.xml.cxf.customXPathFunction extension.
- Procedure
- Launch TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks and select .
- In the New Project window, select Plug-in Project and click Next.
- Specify a name for the project that reflects the XPath functions, for example, MyCustomXPathFunctions. Retain all other default selections and click Next.
On the Plug-in Content page, locate the Options group and select This plug-in will make contributions to the UI.
- Accept all of the defaults and click Next.
- Select Custom XPath Function Wizard on the Templates page, and click Next.
In the New Custom XPath Function Group plug-in project window provide values for the following fields and click Next to continue.
• Category: The name of the category that includes the custom XPath functions • Prefix: The prefix for the functions • Namespace: The namespace for the functions • Help Text: The description of the functions -
Specify the XPath Function and XPath Function Parameters in the XPath Function Group Creation Section dialog.
- Click the
Add button located on the right side of the
XPath Functions table and provide values for:
Name: the name of the functionReturn Type: the return type of the functionDescription: the description of the function
- Click the
Add button located on the right side of the
XPath Function Parameters table. Specify values for the following parameters and click
Name: the name of the parameterType: the data type of the parameterOptional: select the check box if the parameter is optional.
- The
Open Associated Perspective dialog displays. Click
TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorksopens in Plug-in and the Plug-in Development perspective.
- Open the Java class in the newly created Custom XPath function plug-in and implement the Custom XPath function.