OAuth 1.0

The OAuth 1.0 protocol is used for authentication and authorization. The OAuth 1.0 shared resource contains the authentication parameters to authorize Twitter applications.

The OAuth 1.0 resource is available at the Resource level. See Creating an OAuth 1.0 Shared Resource for more details about how to create an OAuth 1.0 shared resource.

For more details on authentication and authorization, see Authentication and Authorization.


The General panel contains the following fields.

Field Module Property? Description
Package No The name of the package where the new shared resource is added.
Name No The name to be displayed as the label of the shared resource.
Description No The short description for the shared resource.

OAuth 1.0 Resource Configuration

The OAuth 1.0 Resource Configuration panel contains the following fields. See Creating a Twitter application and generating an access token for more details.

Field Module Property? Description
consumerKey Yes The API key of your Twitter application.
consumerSecret Yes The API secret of your Twitter application.
accessToken Yes The access token for authenticating Consumer access to the Twitter application.
accessTokenSecret Yes The token secret for authenticating Consumer access to the Twitter application.