Running the C API Examples on UNIX Linux AIX HP UX


  1. Use a text editor to edit the file provided with the TIBCO ActiveSpaces C example programs.

    The Makefile is located in the /AS_HOME/examples/c directory.

  2. Locate the line that reads:

    For UNIX, this line reads CC = CC; for Linux, CC = gcc; for AIX, it reads CC = xlC; for HP-UX, CC = aCC.

  3. Change the line to read:
    CC= <path>/<compiler>

    where path is the path to the C compiler that you are using and compiler is the compiler name.

  4. Save the file.
  5. Enter the name of the executable file for the example you wish to run, followed by any command line arguments. For example, to run ASChat, enter ASChat.