Starting ASPersistence with Security


  1. The example shows the command line options that you can be use when starting ASPersistence to have it join the security domain exdomain:
    -discovery tcp:// -member_name sharedall -capacity 2 -eviction_policy lru -security_token exdomain_token.txt

    To invoke ASOperations to work in conjunction with the ASPersistence example when it has been started with security, use the following command line options:

    -discovery tcp:// -role seeder -persistence shared_all -capacity 2 -eviction_policy lru  -security_token exdomain_token.txt

    These command line options start ASPersistence and ASOperations using the default metaspace name ms and allow them to connect to a security domain controller that has been started using the example security policy file example_policy.txt. Using ASPersistence

    Note: Because encrypted fields cannot be persisted with shared all persistence, you should not try to use the -encrypt_field command line option when starting ASPersistence or ASOperations for this scenario.
    Use ASOperations to put the following data into the space:
    1. any
    2. bat
    3. cat

    Each time a put is done using ASOperations, you will see the onWrite method of the Persister interface invoked in the command window where the ASPersistence example was started.

    Since we have defined the space to have a capacity of 2 but we have put three entries into the space, the first entry will be evicted from the space. To verify this, enter br at the command prompt displayed by the ASOperations example and press Enter when prompted for a filter. The last two entries put into the space should be displayed.

    Now use ASOperations to get the entry with an index of 1 back into the space. Enter g for get in the command window of ASOperations. Enter 1 for the key and press Enter. You will see the onRead method of the Persister interface invoked in the ASPersistence command window.

  2. Enter quit in the command window of the ASPersistence example to shut down the application. The onClose method of the Persister interface is invoked when ASPersistence is stopped.
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