Starting a Custom Java Application as the First Metaspace Member

For those systems which have written their own custom applications using the ActiveSpaces Java API to replace the use of as-agents, the custom application must be updated to do the following:
  • define the local site
  • enable the metaspace member as a system seeder
To define the local site, use the Java API to:
  1. Create a LocalSiteDef object before your code connects to the metaspace.
  2. Specify a site name using LocalSiteDef.setName(<site name string>).
  3. Enable cross-site routing using LocalSiteDef.setRouted(true).
To enable the metaspace member as a system seeder:
  1. Use the MemberDef object that your application has already created
  2. Before connecting to the metaspace, enable the member to act as a system seeder using MemberDef.setSystemSeeder(true)
Finally, update your code which connects to the metaspace:
  1. Use the Metaspace object that your application has already created.
  2. Connect to the metaspace using Metaspace.connect(String, MemberDef, LocalSiteDef).

Metaspace members acting as system seeders provide resources (seed) to the internal system space used in cross-site replication. This is for storing operations waiting to be sent to or received from a site involved in cross-site replication. Typically each as-agent acts as a system seeder. When not using as-agents, you must enable your custom seeding applications to also seed this internal cross-site specific space.