
Register the persister object being specified as a persister on the space.


tibas_status tibasSpace_SetPersister
          (tibasSpace     space,
           tibasPersister persister)


Parameter Description
space The TIBCO ActiveSpaces entity on which the function is invoked.
persister The persister object to be registered.


If you are implementing shared all persistence, use the tibasSpace_SetPersister() function to register a persister for a specified space.

Before you can call tibasSpace_SetPersister(), you must create a persister object by calling the tibasPersister_Create() function.

The persister object that you register specifies functions that will be called at various points in the life cycle of the space; for example, when the space is in the READY state to read data from local storage, or when a member leaves the space, to write data to local storage.

For general information on implementing shared all persistence, see the Space Storage Options and Persistence section in the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide. For general information on implementing persistence, see the Persistence section in TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide.