
Returns the location and filename for the policy file that is in effect for a specified member.


tibas_status tibasMemberDef_GetSecurityPolicyFile(
    tibasMemberDef memberDef,
    const char**   policyFile)


Parameter Description
memberDef Specify the memberDef object that identifies the member for which you want to retrieve the security policy file.
policyFile Specify a pointer to a NULL-terminated string buffer that will hold the contents of the policy file that is returned.


Use the tibasMemberDef_GetSecurityPolicyFile() function to return the policy file that is in effect for a specified space member that is acting as a security domain controller.

If the member is not functioning as a security domain controller then it is a security domain requestor and will not have a security policy file; instead it will have a security token file. You can use the tibasMemberDef_GetSecurityTokenFile() function to return the location and filename for the security policy file.