Testing Your ActiveSpaces Installation

When the installation is completed and the required environment variables are set, you can test your ActiveSpaces installation to ensure that it is functioning properly.


  1. In a command prompt or shell window launch the Admin Command Line Interface (CLI) by navigating to the ActiveSpaces bin directory, then invoking as-admin.
  2. At the Admin CLI prompt type connect.
  3. When connected, type show members. The output of this command should be the information related to a single member of the default metaspace, ms (that instance of the Admin CLI).
  4. In a second command prompt (or shell) window, launch another instance of the Admin CLI.
  5. Type connect again.
  6. Once connected, type show members again. The output should now show the information related to two members (both instances of the Admin CLI).

    The output of the show members command will also indicate for each process whether it is the MANAGER or is simply a MEMBER of the metaspace.

    For more information about the Admin CLI and the commands connect and show members, see the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Administration document. You can also type help at the as-admin prompt to see a list of Admin CLI commands and their parameters.