
Creates a space browser on the specified space.


tibas_status tibasMetaspace_Browse(
    tibasMetaspace    metaspace,
    tibasBrowser*     browser,
    const char*       spaceName,
    tibas_browserType browserType,
    tibasBrowserDef   browserDef,
    const char*       filter)


Parameter Description
metaspace Specifies a Metaspace object identifying the metaspace containing the space which is to be browsed.
browser The returned browser object.
spaceName The name of the space to browse.
browserType The type of the browser. Can be: TIBAS_BROWSER_GET, TIBAS_BROWSER_TAKE, or TIBAS_BROWSER_LOCK.
browserDef A browser definition object.
filter A string containing a filter to apply to the browser or NULL.


Use the tibasMetaspace_Browse() function to create a space browser on a specified space. You do not have to be joined to the space to call the function.

Before you can call tibasMetaspace_Browse(), you must create a browserDef object by calling the tibasBrowserDef_Create() function or the tibasEventBrowserDef_CreateEx() function. You can then call additional tibasBrowserDef functions to specify the distribution scope and time scope for the browser and also specify a timeout value for the browser.

The browserType parameter specifies the type of browser, which can be one of the following:

    Specifies a Get Browser, which retrieves the next tuple in a series of tuples.
    Specifies a Take Browser, which retrieves the next tuple in a series of tuples and consumes it.
    Specifies a Lock Browser, which retrieves the next tuple in a series of tuples and locks it.

The filter parameter specifies a filter string that controls what data is browsed.

Note: Calling tibasMetaspace_Browse() may cause the space to be automatically joined with a distribution role of TIBAS_DISTRIBUTION_ROLE_LEECH, if the space specified with the spaceName parameter has not already been joined.