Building the .NET Examples from MS Visual Studio

The ActiveSpaces installation provides a Visual Studio solutions file for building the .NET examples.


  1. Ensure that the AS_HOME environment variable has been set to the TIBCO ActiveSpaces installation directory.

    For example:

    set AS_HOME=<TIBCO_HOME>\as\<version>
  2. Ensure that AS_HOME/lib/TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll has been installed into your Global Assembly Cache.
    Note: This should have automatically been done during installation, but you can verify it using the following command:

gacutil -l TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common
    If TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll is not present in your GAC, do the following:
    cd AS_HOME/lib
    gacutil -i TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll
  3. Invoke the Microsoft Visual Studio solutions file for the TIBCO ActiveSpaces .NET examples:
    cd AS_HOME/examples/dotnet
  4. In Visual Studio, right click on Solution Examples and select Build Solution.
    Note: To build the .NET examples for 32-bit when installed on a 64-bit platform, you must set the Platform Target to x86 in the Build properties for the project. To do so, Right-click the project you are working on, select Properties > BuildOptionally, you can change the output path of the Example project.


After performing this procedure, you may notice that not all examples under the 'Examples' project are built. This is because Visual Studio only allows one generated executable/output file per project. For steps on building all .NET examples at once, see Building the .NET Examples from the Windows Command Line. To build the other examples under the 'Examples' project in Visual Studio, see Building Other .NET Examples in MS Visual Studio.