alter site

The alter site command is used to change a characteristic of the specified remote site. When you alter a remote site, the site is first deleted and then created again with the new changes. This helps in re-establishing connections to the remote site. This is especially useful when the router discovery URL has changes.


alter site <string>
   ** specify at least one of the following **
   router_discovery <string>
   suspend <boolean>


The parameters for this command are listed in the following table:
alter site Parameters
Parameter Description
site_name Name of the site to alter.
router_discovery A string containing a new router discovery URL to use for connecting to the routers of the remote site.
suspend Toggles whether routing to the remote site starts immediately or not. The default is false indicating routing starts immediately when the remote site is re-created.
Attention: A remote site must first be suspended before alter site is called to modify the site definition.