Return a new filter with the specified filter string

Namespace: Com.Tibco.As.Space.Filter
Assembly: TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common (in TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll) Version: (


public static Filter Create(
	string filter
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function Create ( 
	filter As String
) As Filter
Visual C++
static Filter^ Create(
	String^ filter
static member Create : 
        filter : string -> Filter 


Type: System..::..String
A filter string can be seen as what would follow the where clause in a "select * from Space where..." statement. Any field in the tuple may be used and field names are case-sensitive.

Return Value

Type: Filter
The new Filter instance


The following operators are supported in the ActiveSpaces filters.
  • >, >= : greater than
  • NOT or ! or <> : not
  • * : multiply
  • = : equal
  • != : not equal
  • ABS : absolute value
  • MOD : modulo
  • NOTBETWEEN : not between
  • BETWEEN : between
  • || : string concatenation
  • NOTLIKE: not like (regex)
  • LIKE: like (regex)
  • <, <= : less than
  • + : addition
  • OR: or
  • - : subtraction
  • AND: and
  • IN : range, as in "age in (1,3,5,7,11)"
  • NULL : does not exist
  • NOT NULL : exists
  • IS : only used with NULL or NOT NULL
  • NOR: nor as is "age NOT 30 NOR 40"
  • /* ... */ : multiple line comments
  • // .... : single line comments
The format for the values are:
  • \oXXX : octal value
  • \xXXX : Hexadecimal value
  • XXXEYY: exponents (as in 1E10 or 1E-10)
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS:uuuu+/-XXXXGMT: datetime
  • YYYY-MM-DD : date
  • HH:MM:SS:uuuu+/-XXXXGMT: time
  • TRUE : true
  • FALSE : false

See Also