The type of the event

Namespace: Com.Tibco.As.Space.Event
Assembly: TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common (in TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll) Version: (


public enum EventType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration EventType
Visual C++
public enum class EventType
type EventType


Member nameValueDescription
PUT0 Put event type is returned when a Member puts/updates SpaceEntry into a space PutEvent
TAKE1 Take event type is returned when a Member 'takes' a SpaceEntry from the Space. TakeEvent
EXPIRE2 Expire event type is returned when a SpaceEntry 'expires' from the Space. ExpireEvent
EVICT3 Reserved
SEED4 Seed event type is returned when a SpaceEntry 'is seeded' by the Space. This event is only generated when the distribution scope is BrowserDistributionScope.SEEDED and ListenerDistributionScope.SEEDED. SeedEvent
UNSEED5 Unseed event type is returned when a SpaceEntry 'is seeded' by the Space. This event is only generated when the distribution scope is BrowserDistributionScope.SEEDED and ListenerDistributionScope.SEEDED. UnseedEvent

See Also