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This example takes a file that contains a multi-message FIN string as the input, splits it into individual messages, and then routes them to the appropriate parsers. MT102 and MT103 messages are parsed while other messages are simply logged.As shown in Figure 3, the process flow of this example is as the following:
1. The Timer activity triggers the process when it is run.
2. The Read_Incoming_MTs activity reads the $root\IN\10x-messages.fin file and passes the multi-message FIN string in the file to the SWIFT Router activity.
3. The SWIFT Router activity splits the multi-message FIN string into individual messages and passes each message to the Dump FIN Msg To Disk activity in the MT Processing group.
a. The message is written from the Dump FIN Msg To Disk activity to the $root\OUT\ directory as received-mt#-timestamp.fin.
b. The message is then sent to the Parser activities depending upon the message type. An MT 102 message is sent to the Parse-MT 102 activity, an MT 103 message is sent to the Process MT103 activity, and any other message is sent to the Log And Move On activity.
c. The Parse-MT 102 and Parse MT103 activities parse the incoming MT 102 and MT 103 FIN messages to a structured format.
d. The Process-MT102 and Process MT103 activities writes the structured message to the $root\OUT\ directory as processed-mt#-timestamp.txt. This structured message can then easily be manipulated, merged, mapped, and etc. using any other TIBCO ActiveMatrixBusinessWorks activity.
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