Extraction Filter

Use an extraction filter to filter the entities and relationships to be extracted.

Extraction Filter Component

Each extraction filter contains the following elements.

Input Item Data Type Description
entityFieldName String The field name of the entity to be extracted. The name is mapped to the column name in the WHERE clause.
Note: This element is displayed only when Entity Format is selected in the General tab.
participantFieldName String The name of the relationship, which consists of the participant name and the field name of the participant separated by dot. The name is mapped to the column name of the WHERE clause.

createTimestamp and updateTimestamp are also supported for timestamp-based filter criteria.

Note: This element is displayed only when relationship format is selected in the General tab.
where String The where element is mapped to the operator of the WHERE clause and the value is mapped to the value of the WHERE clause.

The operator is an SQL operator such as ">", "<", "=", or "like".

orWhere String The orWhere element is mapped to the operator of the WHERE clause and the value is mapped to the value of the WHERE clause.

The operator is an SQL operator such as ">", "<", "=", or "like".

Note: To use the filters, an operator is required for the values of the where and orWhere elements.

Multiple Filters

Each instance of the extraction filter is mapped to a condition in the SQL WHERE clause (WHERE <column> <operator> <value>).

When multiple extraction filter instances are specified for the same entity or relationship, each of them is AND'ed if the operator and value are specified using the where element. Conditions are OR'ed together if the operator and value are specified using the orWhere element.

For example, the following two filter instances:
  • ExtractionFilter Instance 1: partFieldName = 'id', where = '>345'
  • ExtractionFilter Instance 1: partFieldName = 'id', orWhere = 'like%345%'
are mapped to the following SQL WHERE Clause:

WHERE id > '345' OR id 'like%345%'

Note: In a filter, the value of the orWhere takes effect only when the value for the where element is empty.

If the first filter uses the orWhere element, SmartMapper always treats it as where element .


Limitations to the extraction filter are as follows:
  • Filtering criteria cannot be parenthesized.
  • When adding two filters and each filter is a different participant, the filters are only combined as OR; and if one filter is a participant and the other filter is a createTimestamp, the two filters are also only combined as OR.
  • When adding filters for timestamps, the filter names must only be createTimestamp or updateTimestamp.