Processing Amended Order with MOPD Enabled
The sequence diagram for processing an amended order with MOPD enables is as follows:
The following steps provide a high level flow for manual order submission in case of amendment:
- Identify an order which needs to be amended.
- Suspend the identified order. Order is suspended and database is updated.
- Submit an amendment request.
- Orchestrator sends the amend order Request to AOPD, JMS, or third party for draft plan generation.
- Orchestrator receives the draft plan and stops the further execution until the final plan is not received.
- Search for the manual order which needs to be edited manually.
- Retrieve the order details for manual order and gets order details in OMSUI.
- Traverse to the draft plan which was saved earlier.
- Draft plan in UI is visible.
- Provide Instructions to get draft plan in UI. This provides an indication to the system that you want to edit the plan.
- Edit the plan by adding, modifying, or deleting plan item, milestones, and dependencies in the plan developed by AOPD.
- Edit the draft plan through the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management UI and provide instructions to save the plan in database.
- Plan is saved in database.
- Provide instructions to execute this plan.
- Plan is validated using the validation framework provided by the server.
- If plan is valid then the orchestrator is notified with the final plan and it starts execution of the plan.
- If plan is not valid then application returns back specifying that plan is not valid and the plan can be corrected.
For amended order, a template plan will be generated, which you can edit from the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management UI. This template plan can be generated in following ways:
The following property provides an indication whether the plan will be generated using AOPD or not:
<ConfValue description="Template for Mopd amendment plan generation" isHotDeployable="true" name="Template for Mopd amendment plan generation" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.mopd.amendment.templatePlan" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic"> <ConfString default="AOPD" value="AOPD" /> </ConfValue>
A property with value FALSE indicates that the existing plan will not be used and a plan will be generated using AOPD for amended order. A property with value TRUE indicates that existing plan will be used as template plan for editing plan by user.
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