Plan Jeopardy

The following table lists the jeopardy conditions for plan:

Plan Jeopardy Conditions Description
AFF-JM-PLAN-0100 Plan has exceeded typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0110 Plan has exceeded maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0120 Plan has exceeded out of scope threshold
AFF-JM-PLAN-0200 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0210 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0220 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0230 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0240 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0250 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed maximum duration