Amend Order

An order amendment is the process of making changes to a previously submitted order. An order can be amended by sending through the new order with the same orderID and orderRef as the previously submitted order.

Orders may only be amended in certain lifecycle states.

Amendable Not Amendable
  • Submitted

  • Feasibility

  • Plan Development

  • Pre-Qualification Failed

  • Execution

  • Suspended


  • Error-Handler

  • Complete

  • Cancelled

  • Withdrawn

Amendments prior to creation of a plan take the form of updating the order in the database and then restarting the order lifecycle back from Submitted. At this point a plan has not been generated and does not need to be modified. When the fulfillment process reaches the Plan Development step, the updated order as it exists from the amendment will be used to generate the plan. This applies to order status of Submitted, Feasibility, Plan Development, and Pre-Qualification Failed.

For amendments that occur after a plan has been created, but while the plan is still Pending, then the order is updated in the database, the existing plan is discarded and the order starts back from Submitted. This applies to order status of Execution, but with a plan status of Pending. However, this is a very rare scenario as the plan immediately goes into EXECUTION state.

For amendments that occur after a plan has started executing only certain aspects of an order may be amended. These are outlined below. Any other aspects of an order not explicitly detailed here are not amendable. This applies to order and plan status of Execution.

There is no limitation on the number of amendments that are possible for any given order, but only one amendment may be active at any one time. Once the amendment has completed, and the order resumes execution then it is possible to amend the order again.

If the order goes to Pre-Qualification Failed state from OMS due to OPE validation failure, it cannot be amended.

If an order is amended in Pre-Qualification Failed state, the action of order line in the amendment order request cannot be CANCEL.

For more information, see Order Amendment.