SLA Notification

SLA notifications are sent out by Orchestrator when plan items exceed expected typical, threshold [specific percentage of maximum duration] and maximum execution durations. These typical and maximum durations are modelled on plan fragment sections, which represent the part of a plan item that executes between two milestones. For example:

Plan Fragment Sections

Plan Fragment Sections

In this example plan item EP_B1 has an associated plan fragment with a single plan fragment section that defines the typical and maximum execution duration between the start and end milestones.

Plan item EP_B2 has an associated plan fragment also with a plan fragment section that defines the typical and maximum execution duration between the start and end milestones. But it also has 3 other sections that define typical and maximum execution durations between start and mile1, mile1 and mile2, and mile2 and end.

Plan fragment sections are also versioned, so they exist within the plan fragment hierarchy as follows:

Plan Fragment Logical Components

Plan Fragment Logical Components