Plan Item Jeopardy

The plan item jeopardy occurs when plan items exceed or predicted to exceed following thresholds specified in a plan fragment model of a process component:

  • Typical duration
  • Maximum duration

The visual representation of the jeopardy event payload for the PlanItem Jeopardy event XML object is as follows:

The following is the visual representation of the plan item:

The following table lists all the jeopardy events that Jeopardy Management System raises for the Plan Item jeopardy.

Plan Item Jeopardy Conditions Description
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0100 Plan item has exceeded typical duration
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0110 Plan item has exceeded maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0120 Plan item has exceeded required start
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0200 Plan item start is predicted to exceed required start and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0210 Plan item start is predicted to exceed required start and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0220 Plan item is no longer predicted to exceed required start