Get Orders

This operation retrieves the orders for the specified subscriber or customer and returns to the calling application.

The request message format is:

The request criteria is used to filter the resulting list of orders returned. Criteria are additive using the AND operator. The request criteria is not required, but it is recommended to pass in a request after applying the filtering criteria. Otherwise, a very large result set may be generated and returned. The results are limited to a maximum of 1000 orders.

By default, the returned orders are sorted by submission date in descending order.

The user can also customize the sorting by passing information in the SortCriteria element. The SortCriteria element can be passed single field or combination of fields, the order for sorting (ascending or descending) and sequence. The sequence defines in what order should the sorting field be applied. By using these combination the user can get the sorted result in desired way.

Get Orders Request Data Model
Element Name Element Type Description
ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by client.
sortCriteria sortCriteria


Complex type which encapsulates the sortField sequence.
sortField Sequence


Sequence of complex type which encompasses sortField/udfField and their sequence number and sorting order.
sortCriteria/sortField/sortBy Attribute, String This element is used to define what order the records should be sorted. This element takes values ASC (Ascending) or DESC(Descending).
sortCriteria/sortField/sortSequence Attribute, String This attribute defines sequence of the given field for which the sorting is applied to. It takes numerical number.
orderUDFField String


Defined the order header UDF field name by which the result is sorted. More than one udf field can be given but cannot be repeated.
field sortFieldValues


List of fields which can be used to sort the result.
orderID String


The ID for the order to retrieve orders. This field supports wildcard searches using * or % at the start or end of the string. This is a case-insensitive search parameter.
orderRef String


The order reference to retrieve orders. This field supports wildcard searches using * or % at the start or end of the string. This is a case-insensitive search parameter.
customerID String


The ID for the customer to retrieve orders. This field supports wildcard searches using * or % at the start or end of the string. This is a case-insensitive search parameter.
subscriberID String


The ID of the subscriber to retrieve orders. This field supports wildcard searches using * or % at the start or end of the string.

Specifying subscriberID returns all orders that include the subscriber, including multiple-subscriber orders.

dateRange/startDate Date (YYYY-MM-DD) The earliest order date to return orders. This date is inclusive. This is based on the OrderSubmission Date on the order. Order submission dates before this date are excluded.
dateRange/endDate Date (YYYY-MM-DD) The latest date to return orders. This date is inclusive. This is based on the Order Submission Date on the order. Order submission dates after this date are excluded.
status String Order status.
headerUDF/name String Name of UDF.
headerUDF/value String Value of UDF.
orderLineUDF/name String Name of UDF.
orderLineUDF/value String Value of UDF.
pagination/startRecord long Inclusive start record index.
pagination/endRecord long Inclusive end record index.
orderSummary boolean Flag to indicate if the operation should only return order header information.

The reply message format is:

Get Orders Response Data Model
Element Name Element Type Description
Orders Type


List of Orders. If no orders are found this element is omitted.
pagination/startRecord long


Start record index of returned orders. This index is inclusive.
pagination/endRecord long


End record index of returned orders. This index is inclusive.
ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by client.