Configuring for the LDM Dashboard

Complete the following configurations before running the LDM dashboard.


  1. Set the following environment variables:
    The $AF_HOME/ldm/fom-notification-dashboard/pom project refers to $TIBCO_EP_HOME.
    • Set the TIBCO_EP_HOME environment variable to the file system location of your TIBCO StreamBase installation. This is the same location identified by the STREAMBASE_HOME environment variable. For example, $TIBCO_HOME/sb-cep/10.2.
    • Add TIBCO_EP_HOME/distrib/tibco/bin to the PATH environment variable.
  2. The dashboard project requires the jms-2.0.jar and tibjms.jar files to be in the local Apache Maven repository, which is specific to the current user on the current machine. By default, this is the .m2 directory of the user's home directory. Use the following command syntax (the command is shown on multiple lines, but must be entered as one long command):
     mvn install:install-file
    1. Install the jms-2.0.jar dependency by running the following command:
      mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$EMS_HOME/lib/jms-2.0.jar -DgroupId=javax.jms -DartifactId=jms -Dversion=2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
    2. Install the tibjms.jar dependency by running the following command:
       mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$EMS_HOME/lib/tibjms.jar -DgroupId=com.tibco.tibjms -DartifactId=ems -Dversion=8.3.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
  3. To generate the analytical reports, the LDM dashboard uses outbound TIBCO EMS messages from TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management. Set the following properties in FOM Configurator to true so the application can send the outbound notifications:
    • Order Status Change Notification
    • Plan Status Change Notification
    • PlanItem Status Change Notification
    • OrderLine Status Change Notification
  4. Navigate to $AF_HOME/ldm/fom-notification-dashboard/src/main/resources/adapter-configurations.xml to change the TIBCO EMS configurations for the LDM dashboard, such as the host, user, password, and port.
    Note: It is recommended when you modify the password field, you encrypt your password using the command sbcipher -c "admin" from TIBCO Streambase. For example:
     C:\TIBCO\sb-cep\7.7>sbcipher -c "admin"