Start the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 4.0 Environment

This topic covers the steps to start the Fulfillment Order Management 4.0 environment:

Additional Configurations

Perform any additional configuration changes that are required using the Configurator web UI.

For example, Offer and Price Engine (OPE) requires the price and discount models for its functionalities. So the offline catalog directories for loading these models in the application should be configured here.

Post-Installation Tasks

Perform the steps mentioned in the Post-Installation Tasks topic.

Cluster Setup

The migrated database already contains the cluster members that were running in the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 3.0.2 HF-4 environment. For running additional micro-services in a cluster or setting up a new cluster, refer to the "Deployment Topologies" section in the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management Administration Guide.

Start all required server instances to start the configured TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management members in the cluster. Upon starting up, the engines will load the existing data models (product and action) from the database. As per the model loading configurations (online or offline), the additional data models will be loaded in the application and will also be stored into the database as explained in the "Data Models" section in TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management Administration Guide.

Monitor the logs of each member to ensure that all the members have started successfully. At this stage the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 4.0 environment is ready to process any incoming requests, but since there are no pending messages, processing will not occur.

Start External Components

Start the external components which integrate with Orchestrator through EMS and the ones that were stopped before the upgrade. This includes the following components:
  1. Feasibility provider
  2. Prequalification failed handler
  3. External dependency releasing systems
  4. Plan item error handler

Start Southbound Process Components

Start the process component system. The process components will start processing the plan item, execute, suspend, activate, and milestone release messages pending on the four outbound queues of Orchestrator and will also send the corresponding reply messages to Orchestrator. Orchestrator will process the incoming reply messages to move the state of the corresponding plan items appropriately. Based on this, it will also schedule the requests for the further plan items in the execution plan to fulfill the orders. With this way, the orders that were in-progress in Fulfillment Order Management 3.0.2 HF-4 before the upgrade will be processed in TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 4.0.

Start Northbound System

Start the northbound systems (for example, Siebel) to submit the new orders to be fulfilled using Fulfillment Order Management 4.0.


Update the value of the IS_STATIC column as per your own environment for each member in the cluster.

Start the TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 4.0 Micro-Services

To start each micro-service, navigate to $AF_HOME/roles/<AOPD, OCS, omsServer, OMSUI, and OPE>/standalone/bin and run ./