Get Offer Compatibilities

The products in the offer must be compatible with the category, input field, record type, record subtype, the existing products in the offer, groups, and records to be eligible.

Category Compatibility

All the products in the offer must be compatible with all the categories specified.

Input Field Compatibility

Use this field to set linking relevant fields and returns and evaluates eligible products using those fields. It checks for the link definitions from the following relationships: ProductComprisedOf, ProductRequiredFor, and (In)compatibleProducts. If these link definitions are present in the input filter list, the product is considered eligible. The attribute isFilter=true must be set.

Record Type and Record Sub Type Compatibility

All the products in the offer must be compatible with the record type and sub type specified. If there are multiple record types or record sub types, the products must belong to at least one of the types and sub types specified.

Product Compatibility

All the products in the offer must be compatible with all the products in the order and inventory. If no explicit incompatibility is defined, the product is compatible. Compatibility checks with all the autoprovisioned product chains in the orderline product and the offer product. If no compatible products exist, OPE checks for migrations in the product, as well as consequential products. All the eligibility rules must be applied in the case of migrations. If after migration the eligibility fails, add the product to the list of ineligible products. Each individual product is checked with only the products present in the order request for compatibility. Eligible products are not checked with each other for compatibility.

Optionally, single use checks can be done so that the product exists only once for the customer in the order, inventory, and the product in offer (not all products in offer). The attribute SingleUSE is from the product model characteristics that is used for this functionality.

Group and Record Evaluation

The group and record constraint of ProductComprisedOf and ProductRequiredFor are evaluated for all the eligible products with the customer order and inventory to ensure the eligible product for the customer order and inventory do not violate the group constraints present in the product model. Eligible products are not checked with each other for group and record violation. For more information on the group and record attributes, see Group and Record Constraints.