Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Governance Administrator Server

The Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Governance Administrator Server wizard guides you through the process of creating a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Governance Administrator Server. Many of the configuration screens prompt for the same information as the Administrator server wizard, but a few new screens prompt for TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Governance information.

Database Requirements

The Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Governance Administrator Server wizard allows you to configure many aspects of your server including the database, authentication method, log service, and more. You can review this wizard documentation before you start configuration to decide how you want to set up the server.

Note: The wizard takes 15 minutes or more to complete depending on the configuration options.
When you run the wizard, you specify a database for Administrator server and for several system services. If you are using an external database (and do not use HSQLDB as an external database), set up the external database before you run the wizard.
  1. Package, install, and configure the database driver using the Configure Third-Party Driver wizard.
  2. Configure the external database.
    Database Configuration Notes
    Oracle 12c PDB

    The database user must have to be set up as follows:
    • Must have connect and resource privileges
    • Must be assigned to the default schema
    • Cannot have dba privileges

    Run the command:

    alter pluggable database ORCLPDB open;

    alter session set container =ORCLPDB;

    create user amxuser identified by password;

    grant create session,connect, resource, create table, create session, unlimited tablespace to amuser;

    Microsoft SQL Server
    • Run the command

      alter database DB Name set read_committed_snapshot on.

    • Make sure that the database user is assigned the default database and has the db_owner role.
    • Use the case insensitive collation setting.
    IBM DB2 Configure the database with a 32KB page size (instead of the default 4KB page size).
    PostgreSQL (Starting with TIBCO ActiveMatrix Hotfix 002)
    1. Create the database user using pgAdmin or SQL Shell and grant required privilege.
    2. Create the database. The user created in the step a must be the owner of the database.
    3. In pgAdmin or SQL shell, run the following queries for the database created in the step b :
      CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(bigint) RETURNS text STRICT IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textin(int8out($1));';
      CREATE CAST (bigint AS text) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(bigint) AS IMPLICIT;
      CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(integer) RETURNS text STRICT IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textin(int4out($1));';
      CREATE CAST (integer AS text) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(integer) AS IMPLICIT;
      CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(smallint) RETURNS text STRICT IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textin(int2out($1));';
      CREATE CAST (smallint AS text) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(smallint) AS IMPLICIT;
  3. Start the database server.
Note: If you use an HSQLDB external database, concurrent user access to Administrator server is not supported.