The "revertEB" command reverts an Engineering Build from TIBCO_HOME and from the given TIBCOHost Instance in the CONFIG_HOME. If Instance name is not provided, it reverts the Engineering Build from all TIBCOHost Instances in a provided CONFIG_HOME. To revert an Engineering Build, the user needs to specify the location of the backup folder created by "applyEB" command for that Engineering Build inside <CONFIG_HOME>/EngineeringBuilds folder. By default, it stops all TIBCOHost Instances before reverting the Engineering Build and after successfully reverting the Engineering Build, it starts all TIBCOHost Instances with "clearCache". If a TIBCOHost Instance is installed as Windows Service, this command starts the Instance as a Service.
This command identifies whether the Engineering Build to be reverted is for ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent. If the Engineering Build is for ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent, it will revert the Engineering Build from TIBCO_HOME only and the revert from ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent must be handled manually. In such case, the Engineering Build does not need to be reverted from the CONFIG_HOME.
>revertEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ebBackupLocation /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_ TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup
This stops the TIBCOHost Instance myTibcoHostInstance in the CONFIG_HOME /path/to/confighome/location, reverts Engineering Build TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085 from TIBCO_HOME and from the Instance myTibcoHostInstance using the backup folder at /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_ TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup and starts the Instance with "clearCache".
>revertEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -ebBackupLocation /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_ TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup
This stops all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME /path/to/confighome/location, reverts Engineering Build TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085 from TIBCO_HOME and from all of the Instances using the backup folder at /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_ TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup and starts the Instances with "clearCache".
>revertEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -ebBackupLocation /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_ TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup -skipStop -skipStart
This skips the step to stop TIBCOHost instance(s) and reverts Engineering Build TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085 from TIBCO_HOME and from all of the Instances in the CONFIG_HOME /path/to/confighome/location using the backup folder at /path/to/confighome/EngineeringBuilds/Before_TIB_amx_3.x.x_engineering_build085_backup. It skips the step to start TIBCOHost instance(s).