Running the rest.extendedJSONConversion Example

  1. Launch TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator.
  2. Set the TRA property to true for the appropriate Runtime Node (via Administrator UI or by adding the line in the .tra file of the Runtime Node) and restart the Runtime Node.
  3. Enable the logger in DEBUG level on the Runtime Node.
  4. Create a HTTP Connector Resource Template httpConnector with host as localhost and port as 9897.
  5. Create and Install corresponding HTTP Connector Resource Instance “httpConnector” on Runtime Node.
  6. For both REST-Java and REST-Java-REST Apps, deploy the following DAA:


  7. To send a REST Request to the REST-Java (Provider) App, launch the SOAPUI project REST-ExtendedJSONConversion-soapui-project.xml using SoapUI 5.0.0, and use the “InvokeRESTProvider” service. This will send a REST request to the REST-Java app and will demonstrate the Provider-side (Service) behavior.
    Note: Set HTTP Request Header to Accept = application/json.

    GET method’s RESPONSE (returnOne)

    Request URL: http://localhost:9897/Sample/returnOne (HTTP method: GET)

    Sample Response (Standard JSON)

    {"returnOneResponse": {"Flights": [{
    "Arrival": "arrival",
    "Departure": "123"

    Note the [ ] indicating that Flights is an Array, based on the schema. Also, “123” is a string, which is schema-compliant.

  8. To send a REST Request to the REST-Java-REST (Client) App, launch the SOAPUI project REST- ExtendedJSONConversion-soapui-project.xml using SoapUI 5.0.0, and use the “InvokeRESTClient” service. This will send a REST request to the REST-Java-REST app, which in turn will send a rest to the REST-Java app. This will demonstrate the Client-side (Reference) behavior.

    POST method’s REQUEST (addOperation)

    Request URL: http://localhost:9897/SampleClient/addOperation (HTTP method: POST)

    Set HTTP Request Header:

    Accept = application/json and Content-Type = application/json

    SOAPUI Request to first REST Service Endpoint:

    {"addOperation": {"Arrays":[{"Key":"ABC","Value":"123"}]}}

    POST Request generated by REST Reference Endpoint:

    {"Arrays": [{"Key":"ABC","Value":"123"}]}

    Note the [ ] indicating that Arrays is an Array, based on the schema. Also, “123” is a string, based on the schema.

    Response (Standard JSON):

    {"addOperationResponse": {"Arrays": [{
    "Key": "ABC",
    "Value": "123"

    Note the [ ] indicating that Arrays is an Array, based on the schema. Also, “123” is a string, based on the schema.