Overview of the DDL Script Generator Utility
Use the DDL Script Generator utility to manually create the database schema.
By default, when you create an ActiveMatrix Administrator server using Tibco Configuration Tool, the database schema objects are created automatically when the ActiveMatrix Administrator server starts up the first time. If you do not want the software to automatically create the database schema objects at runtime, before creating the ActiveMatrix Administrator server, use the DDL Script Generator Utility. For a list of permissions needed to create the schema, see Configuring External Databases. After this step, the database administrator (DBA) must execute the scripts to create the database schema objects that ActiveMatrix Administrator server needs.
- While creating a new ActiveMatrix Administrator server, use the utility to generate scripts for creating the database schema.
- After deleting all ActiveMatrix Administrator server instances, while cleaning clean up a part or whole of an existing schema.The utility generates scripts to cleanup the database schema.