Tests That Are Common to Upgrade and Downgrade

Validity of the Selected CONFIG_HOME

The first of the tests verifies whether the specified CONFIG_HOME is valid by checking the directory structure. If it does not meet the requirements, it is marked as INELIGIBLE and no further tests are executed.

This test checks whether the specified CONFIG_HOME has sufficient disk space so that upgrade or downgrade can be executed successfully.
Note: At least 300MB of disk space is required for each host in the CONFIG_HOME.
Note: If test passes with success, the test details will show total disk space and free disk space in MB (megabytes) for the given CONFIG_HOME.

Disk Access Check

This test checks the read or write permission on the selected CONFIG_HOME. A sample file (2MB) is used to copy to the specified CONFIG_HOME for testing. If the CONFIG_HOME is writable and takes less than 200 milliseconds, the test returns a SUCCESS.

Runtime Host or Node Status

This test checks the runtime status of the hosts in the given CONFIG_HOME. If any one of the hosts or nodes is found running, the test returns with a warning and a message with the number of hosts and nodes that are still in running state.

Availability of Notification Server

This test checks the status of the notification server that is used by the enterprise. If the notification server is Running or if one of the servers in the Fault Tolerance (FT) pair is in the Running state, this test returns OK. If the notification server is not Running, a Failure is shown and the CONFIG_HOME is marked as INELIGIBLE.

Note: The notification server must be Running if you select the Start Hosts option in the Summary screen. If you are not starting the hosts, the notification server is not required to be in a Running state.