Administrator - RDA
Error Code Description
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029001 No RDA descriptors passed
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029002 Rda file cannot be null
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029003 Cannot read the RDA file from the provided data handler {0}
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029004 Rda entity identifier cannot be null
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029005 No target nodes were passed to deploy RDA
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029006 Pass a valid RDA file
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029007 Cannot read the RDA file from the provided data handler
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029008 RDA file cannot be accessed. Check the URL
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029009 Task created to deploy RDA on Node {0} of host {1}
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029010 The specified node does not exist
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029011 The name specified for the node is not correct
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN-029012 The specified node id is null