Start the application and test the HTTP GET and POST operations. You can run the sample from TIBCO BusinessStudio.
Right click the design panel background and select
Debug in RAD to start the application.
Use an HTTP client such as a Web browser or a the REST client tool to invoke one of the HTTP GET method.
For example, to test
getBooklist, specify the following URL in a Web browser or a REST client. http://host:port/bookstore/books
host and
port are required by HTTP. You can find the port by choosing the bug icon in the title bar and selecting
Debug Configuration. You see that information only after you have run the sample once.
/bookstore is the context root for
/books is the 'Path' of
For samples of calling each method, see the
sample_payloads.txt file.
To test the HTTP POST operation
addBook, you need a REST client. You can specify the XML code for the book you want to add in the POST request.